M. S. Ashilova
Almaty, Kazahstan
Keywords: education, postmodernist knowledge, knowledge society, methodology, virtual environment, information
The author analyses the content and the essence of postmodernist education on the examples of the teachings of M. Fuko, S. Mondale, I. Grosvenor, K. Maers, I. Iliich, G.Talor Gato and shows that for these teachings there is characteristic close relation with politics. In the industrial epoch, child’s development is oriented to the “childhood industry”. So, pedagogy sets three goals: formation of the good person, formation of the good citizen and the development of child’s practical abilities. But at present time, a fourth goal has become dominant: the formation of bad abilities and bad inclinations for the interests of business and commerce. To sum up, the author indicates the necessity to eradicate the fourth aim by means of humanization of education and endowing it with the anthropological qualities.