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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2007 year, number 2

Boreal Forests of Siberia: Genetic, Species and Ecosystem Diversity Research

O. A. Zyryanova, L. I. Milyutin, E. N. Muratova, V. A. Ryzhkova, A. Ya. Larionova, T. S. Sedel’nikova, M. A. Korets, I. A. Mikhailova
Pages: 149–158


Being of global ecological significance, boreal forests of Siberia located at high latitudes of the Northern Eurasia represent the unique source of genetic, species and ecosystems diversity. Previously conducted research revealed a wide range of scientific problems regarding the studies on intraspecific diversity of woody species, estimation of the structure and current state of forest ecosystems, as well as their ordination and classification.
The use of the modern information technologies (the databases, species diversity indices, GIS) can promote the knowledge on Siberian boreal forests to the new high stage.