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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2007 year, number 2

Boreal Forests of Siberia: Genetic, Species and Ecosystem Diversity Research

O. A. Zyryanova, L. I. Milyutin, E. N. Muratova, V. A. Ryzhkova, A. Ya. Larionova, T. S. Sedel’nikova, M. A. Korets, I. A. Mikhailova
Pages: 149–158

Abstract >>
Being of global ecological significance, boreal forests of Siberia located at high latitudes of the Northern Eurasia represent the unique source of genetic, species and ecosystems diversity. Previously conducted research revealed a wide range of scientific problems regarding the studies on intraspecific diversity of woody species, estimation of the structure and current state of forest ecosystems, as well as their ordination and classification.
The use of the modern information technologies (the databases, species diversity indices, GIS) can promote the knowledge on Siberian boreal forests to the new high stage.

Biodiversity and Spatial Arrangement of Siberian Flora

V. P. Sedel’nikov, Yu. V. Naumenko, N. V. Sedel’nikova, I. A. Gorbunova, O. Yu. Pisarenko, D. N. Shaulo
Pages: 159–168

Abstract >>
Diversity of algae, lichens, mushrooms, Bryophyta and higher vascular plants over the territory of West and Middle Siberia is considered. Their spatial arrangement is presented at the level of plain and mountainous territories, vegetation zones and sub-zones, altitudinal belts and the most widespread ecosystems.

Forest Fire Problem and Pyrogenic Successions of the Communities of Soil Arthopoda in Siberia

V. G. Mordkovich, I. I. LyubechanskII, O. G. Berezina
Pages: 169–181

Abstract >>
Successions of the burnt areas of the northern and the southern taiga borders exhibit both common same and opposite features. The recolonization takes place fastly, during several weeks. The post-fire succession may be divided into three stages, with the typical peculiarities of the arthropod population. The community of the initial stage (1

State of Knoled and Directions of Research into the Biological Diversity of Terrestrial Ecosystems Baikal Region

L. L. Ubugunov, O. A. Anenkhonov, D. R. Baldanova, N. G. Borisova, N. B. Badmaev
Pages: 183–196

Abstract >>
The background and prospects of the terrestrial biodiversity investigations in the Baikal region are briefly overviewed. The most well studied spheres and

Emission of Greenhouse Gases at the Territory of West Siberia

M. V. Glagolev, E. A. Golovatskaya, N. A. Shnyrev
Pages: 197–210

Abstract >>
The main contribution into the greenhouse effect is made by CO2 and CH4 (60 and 15-18 %, respectively). The territory of the former Soviet Union accounts for the mean values of 11% of the global flux of

Geographic and Climatic Versions of the Light Coniferous Grass Forests of Siberia

O. V. Drobushevskaya, V. G. Tsaregorodtsev
Pages: 211–219

Abstract >>
On the basis of the climate and vegetation database at the territory of Siberia, cluster analysis helped to reveal four clusters, i.e. geographic and climatic versions of the light coniferous grass forests (subtaiga). The leading climatic factors determining the boundaries between the clusters were revealed, the intracluster community and differences between clusters in the composition of forest-forming species were investigated. The revealed clusters were compared with the previously proposed versions outlined on the basis of vegetation.

Evaluation of the Quality of Underwood in Sub-Tundra Forests of Middle Siberia

T. L. Lenkova, V. V. Ivanov, A. P. Abaimov
Pages: 219–224

Abstract >>
Evaluation of the quality of underwood in the sub-tundra forests of Middle Siberia is made on the basis of analysis of its absolute and relative biometric indices. It is revealed with the help of factor analysis and descriptive statistics method that the vital capacity of underwood in the Extrteme North is characterized by apical growth and crown habitus.

Nitrogen Cycle in Natural and Recreation Forest Ecosystems in the Southern Part of Central Siberia

L. S. Shugaley
Pages: 225–234

Abstract >>
Nitrogen resources in the biomass of phytocenosis, mortmass and humus of soil in n

Community of Wood-Destroying Fungi as a Reflection of the Structure and Status of a Forest

S. P. Arefyev
Pages: 235–249

Abstract >>
A new approach to the understanding of the fungal community and to its an

The Fire-Caused Transformation of Plant Diversity in Priamurie

Pages: 251–255

Abstract >>
This paper reveals the influence of catastrophic fires, 1998

Natural Verification of the Formal Construction of Reference-Point Network for Conducting the Biological Monitoring of Large Regions

S. I. Shamanova, A. S. Pleshanov
Pages: 257–261

Abstract >>
Conducting the complex biological monitoring of large regions requires a choice of the necessary minimum of reference-point plots for observation that would fully enough reflect the state of biota at the species, population and cenosis levels. On the basis of an original cartographical method for the model territory

Dynamics of Ecological Functions of Deciduous Forests of Northern Taiga under the Action of Fire

E. F. Vedrova, A. V. Klimchenko
Pages: 263–273

Abstract >>
Changes in the parameters of carbon budget are considered in the following series of ecosystems: green subshrub larch forest unaffected by strong fire within the last 400 years

Moss Species of High-Mountain Regions of the Khamar-Daban Ridge

S. G. Kazanovsky
Pages: 275–279

Abstract >>
Results of the analysis of the vertical distribution of moss species in the high-mountain regions of the Khamar-Daban Ridge and their coenotic distribution are considered.

Endosperm of Legume Seeds in the Mountains of South Siberia as an Adaptive System in the Seed Revegetation of Specie

Pages: 281–287

Abstract >>
Species of genera Oxytropis DC. and Astragalus L. of alpine, mountain

Seasonal Optima of Photosynthesis in Conifers of Baikal Siberia

G. G. Suvorova, L. S. Yan’kova, L. D. Kopytova, A. K. Filippova
Pages: 289–296

Abstract >>
A correlation between the high values of photosynthesis intensity in Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea obovata Ledeb. and definite combinations of weather conditions is investigated. It is shown that under the conditions of Baikal Siberia the maximal intensity of photosynthesis in conifers is observed under optimal soil wetting in early spring and during summer. The early spring maximum, which is observed at low soil temperature and high amount of accumulated water, can be much higher than the intensity of photosynthesis in summer. The summer maximum is observed after rains and heating of the lower soil horizons. The types of localization of the maxima of photolynthesis intensity observed under vegetation periods with different weather conditions are graphically marked out and characterized.

Recreation Transformation of the Oak Forests of Belarussian Polesye and its Indicators

A. P. Gusev, A. S. Sokolov
Pages: 297–304

Abstract >>
Resutls of the investigation of recreation transformation of oak forests of Belarussian Polesye are reported for oxalis and ashweed oak forests as examples. Indicators of recreation distortions are various characteristics of the forest synfolium (composition, density, dead-wood), underwood (composition, density), ground cover (species composition, projective cover, constancy of separate species). Complex indicators are the spectrum of vital forms and synanthropization indices. The changes in synanthropization of the oak forest flora over the gradient of recreation impact are considered.

Variability of the Features of Generative Sphere of Currant Species of Ribesia (Berl.) Jancz. Subgenera of the Salair Ridge

A. B. Gorbunov, L. A. Toleubaeva
Pages: 303–316

Abstract >>
The intraspecific variation of 26 qualitative and 37 quantitative characters of the generative sphere of Ribes atropurpureum C. A. Meyer and R. hispidulum (Jancz.) Pojark. growing on the Salair Ridge and introduced in CSBG was studied. Two taxonomixally significant characters were clarified and 5 new ones were determined. The levels of quantitative character variation were studied, 11 most stable characters were established for both species, 3

Reserves of the Top Phytomass of Lichen Communities of Tuva and Their Rational Use

Ch. N. Sambyla
Pages: 317–323

Abstract >>
Comparative results of the investigation of the reserves of the top phytomass of lichen communities of aride, semi-aride and semi-humide areas of Tuva are presented. The dependence of the reserves of the top phytomass on the relief, climate and vital forms of dominating kinds is revealed.