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Earth’s Cryosphere

2024 year, number 6

Snow density and its variability in the continental part of the Russian Arctic under modern climatic conditions

A.V. Sosnovskiy, N.I. Osokin
Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Arctic, snow density, climatic periods


Based on data from route snow surveys, the average long-term values of snow density at the time of the maximum snow cover depth and for individual months were determined for the continental part of the Russian Arctic. A comparison of snow densities was made for the climatic periods of 1966-1990, 1991-2020, and 2011-2020; on average, they comprised 0.265, 0.264, and 0.267 g/cm3, respectively. A comparison with the historical climatic period of 1966-1990 indicates that current changes in the maximum snow density in the Russian Arctic are insignificant: a decrease by about 1%. The greatest decrease in snow density is noted in the north of Yakutia, and the most significant increase in snow density is observed in the north of Western Siberia. Snow density values for individual months indicate that, owing to the later dates of snow cover establishment, the most significant changes in snow density take place in the autumn period. On average, snow density in 1991-2020 compared to that in 1966-1990 decreased by 6% in October, 10% in November, 2% in January, and 5% in May. An increase by 1% took place in March. Along with the changes in snow density for individual months, a change in its dynamics - the ratio of snow density for individual months to its maximum value - was also observed. In November 1991-2020, this ratio decreased by 15-20% in a number of Arctic regions in the European territory of Russia and up to 25% in the north of Yakutia in comparison with that in November 1966-1990. Maps of snow density and its variability have been constructed.