Assessment of water balance elements of a lake in the nival-glacial zone of the Altai Mountains
G.V. Pryakhina1, V.A. Rasputina1, E.S. Zelepukina2, D.S. Zyryanova1, D.V. Bantsev1, M.V. Syromyatina1
1Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia 2The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: water balance, water regime, periglacial lakes, Southern Chuya Ridge
Calculating the water balance for lakes in the mountains is difficult due to insufficient observation data and poor knowledge of a number of runoff formation processes. The hydrological regime of high-mountain lakes is determined, on the one hand, by climatic factors, and on the other hand, by the characteristics of the underlying surface of catchments with different ratios of glacial and non-glacial parts. In this article, based on data from field hydrological, meteorological, and glaciological observations, the water balance was calculated with a daily step for a periglacial lake located in the Southern Chuya Ridge (Central Altai). Calculating the water balance made it possible to estimate the contribution of meltwater from glaciers and snowfields and of precipitation to the total inflow of water to the lake and to identify the features of the meltwater inflow from glaciers into the lake. The predominant role of subsurface runoff in the incoming part of the lake water balance has been revealed.