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Earth’s Cryosphere

2024 year, number 3

Variability of the groundwater regime on the background of сhanges in snow storage (by the example of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve)

L.M. Kitaev1, V.A. Ableeva2
1Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve, Danki, Russia
Keywords: groundwater levels, snow thickness, air temperature, precipitation, thaws, spatial and temporal variability, regression dependencies


Based on observation data on typical areas of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve for 1999-2021, the influence of snow accumulation on the dynamics of the groundwater level was clarified with due account for the variability in air temperature and precipitation. An assessment of the spatial heterogeneity of seasonal and long-term variability in meteorological characteristics and the groundwater level was made. A regression analysis demonstrated that the snow storage has a significant influence on the long-term dynamics of the groundwater level during both the snowy season (December-April) and the maximum rise of the groundwater level (May-July). The effects of the air temperature of the cold season, duration of thaws, and the accumulated positive air temperatures during them on the groundwater level were statistically insignificant. The obtained conclusions complement the results of studies of the relationship between the variability of snow cover characteristics and the depth of groundwater under the conditions of modern meteorological regime and can be used to specify regional features of water exchange processes.