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Philosophy of Sciences

2024 year, number 2


D.N. Popov
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Dolgoprudny, Russia
Keywords: revelation, science, Gaudiya Vedanta, the sacred, the common, dialogue model, independence model


The study reconstructs the position of the philosophical school of Gaudiya Vedanta concerning the correlation between the knowledge of revelation and the knowledge of science. The nonbinary logic and stratification of reality, which are characteristic of Indian philosophy and especially Vedanta suggests the existence of a more complex position that goes beyond the dichotomy of modernism and traditionalism, i.e. rejection of the authority of knowledge of science or revelation. The presence of sacred and common levels of reality (paramarthika, vyavaharika) and knowledge (paramavidya and aparavidya) helps to reconstruct the combination of various models of the relationship between revelation and scientific knowledge. At the level of sacred knowledge, relations are manifested according to the model of independence or according to the model of conflict (the main process of Gaudiya Vedanta is internal transformation, and the object is the transcendental sound of revelation, not subject to doubt and empirical analysis); at the level of common reality, relations are manifested according to the model of dialogue through variable interpretation (issues of history, medicine, astronomy, biology, geography), but without denying the provisions of revelation, in contrast to liberal theology.