2024 year, number 2
Alexander Mikhaylovich Zharov
Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: actornetwork theory, knowledge network structures, digitalization, scientific cooperation, interdisciplinary research, evolutionary dynamics, social interactions, technological innovation, dissemination of knowledge, artificial intelligence
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The study conducted with the use of the actornetwork theory (ANT) reveals the complex dynamics of the evolution and diffusion of knowledge in network structures, which has intensified with the emergence of digital technologies. Examining the relationship between evolutionary progress and the social dimension, the author shows how scientific dialogues and collaboration extend beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries and help to create an environment in which innovation arises at the intersection of interdisciplinary interactions. As a conceptual framework, ANT allows to trace the complex interactions of human and nonhuman actors, reveal the nuances of the mechanisms through which knowledge networks are created, discussed and transformed. Through a number of examples covering fields from bioinformatics to ecology, the key role of technology in accelerating the “crosspollination” of ideas and methodologies over large, often disparate scientific areas is highlighted. Critical consideration of ANT in this context provides nuanced understandings of its capabilities and limitations in the fight against the complexities of contemporary scientific initiatives. An integrative theoretical framework is proposed that harmoniously combines ANT with systemic and critical realist perspectives. This study contributes to the theoretical and practical discourse on the evolution of scientific knowledge by emphasizing the central role of networks and digital technologies in shaping a more interrelated and dynamic scientific enterprise.
D.V. Rakhinsky1,2,3, R.P. Musat3, G.V. Panasenko3
1Prof. Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 2Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 3Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: scientific consensus, social empiricism, disagreement, rationality, scientific success, social epistemology
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The article examines the key provisions of social empiricism, an approach to understanding the functioning and progress of science developed by M. Solomon. The ways to explain the emergence of consensus and disagreement in scientific communities proposed by Solomon are analysed. It is shown that adopting the position of social empiricism results in the need for a certain view both on the dynamics of the functioning of scientific communities and on the very nature of scientific knowledge.
E.V. Barbashina1,2
1Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: “narrative turn”, naturalistic and constructivist narrative, "family resemblance", prototypical narrative
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"Narrative turn" is one of the main, along with linguistic, ontological, that occurred in the second half of the twentieth century. The consequence of the "narrative turn" was the application of the narrative approach in all areas of sociohumanitarian cognition, an expanded understanding of the narrative itself, and the impossibility of categorising narrative research. The variants of different understanding of narrative are conditioned, firstly, by the field of application: literary studies, history, sociology, psychology and others. Secondly, contentmethodological approaches: constructivist, naturalist, structuralist, poststructuralist, hermeneutic, etc. Thirdly, its application as one of the many methods of qualitative research, the main method, research principle or the recognition of the narrative paradigm. The application of a modernised version of the principle of «family resemblance» (Familienähnlichkeit, L. Wittgenstein) allows us to unite and structure the diversity of narrative research in a consistent way.
V.L. Nekipelyy1,2,3
1PGD “Zapsibgeolsyomka”, Elan, Russia 2JSC “Siberian PGD”, Elan, Russia 3JSC “Rosgeologiya”, Elan, Russia
Keywords: geonomic form of motion of matter, material carrier, geosciences, geonomy
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The article substantiates the expediency of identifying the geonomic form of motion of matter. It is shown that the geological form of motion of matter cannot be considered as a mode of existence for all envelopes of the planet Earth. It can perform this function only for inner envelopes. Unsolved problems of the concept of the geological form of motion are the ambiguity in the understanding of the material carrier and the lack of evidence of the structural relationship of the geological form of motion with the superior biological form. The geonomic form of motion of matter is the mode of existence of the inorganic nature of the Earth starting from the mineral up to the planet as a whole. Its identification meets all the requirements for identifying the forms of motion of matter. The Earth is considered as an integral selfgoverning system of all its envelopes including its core, mantle, earth crust, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. For the geonomic form of motion, a genetic and structural relationship is determined with its superior biological form of motion. The structural relationship is determined on the basis of the significant role of water in both inorganic and organic nature. The geonomic form of motion is one of the basic forms and, among them, occupies a place between the planetary and biological forms of motion. The geological and physicalgeographical forms of motion are part of the geonomic form at a lower hierarchical level. The material carrier of the geonomic form of motion is studied by the science called geonomy. The geonomic form of motion is its philosophical foundation. Geonomy is in the list of basic natural sciences along with physics, chemistry and biology.
A.Yu. Gordeev, V.A. Mukin
Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia
Keywords: philosophy of science, selforganization in chemical systems, emergence, bifurcation in chemistry, chemical turbulence, modern technologies
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The article deals with the history of the origin, growth and translation of scientific knowledge related to the fundamental aspects of selforganization in chemical systems, starting from the role of kinetic theories and ending with the use of modern technologies and research methods. The purpose of the work is to systematically substantiate the patterns of selforganization in chemistry. In addition, the basic principles and mechanisms of the synergistic approach to chemical research are identified and substantiated. A set of logically structured operations aimed at generating new scientific knowledge in the field of chemistry is proposed. It is shown that the synergetic approach opens up the possibility of obtaining knowledge that goes beyond the expected scientific result.
I.E. Pris
Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Keywords: effective realism, effective ontic structural realism, contextual realism, Wittgensteinian rule, language game, mathematicsfirst approach, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory
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The article considers varieties of effective realism (ER) in the philosophy of physics. J. Ladyman and L. Lorenzetti propose to eliminate the problems faced by ER versions, improve them, and unify them through effective ontic structural realism (OSR). In our view, (effective) OSR contains important intuitions but is not a genuine realism. It shares with standard scientific realism the metaphysical assumption of the existence of an external world and representationalism. We propose an alternative: contextual realism (CR). CR asserts the categorical distinction between ideal norms and the reality in which they are anchored, the sensitivity of ontology to context and, consequently, rejects the modal realism of OSR. We establish a correspondence between effective OSR and CR, which rids OSR of speculative metaphysics. The structure corresponds to the Wittgensteinian rule/norm (Wrule). Real patterns are contextual entities identified by the Wittgensteinian rule within the language games of its applications. Scale relativity of ontology is a special case of ontology’s sensitivity to context. CR offers a better solution to the problems of theoretical relicts, theory change and pessimistic (meta)induction than either ERs or effective OSR do. Our interpretation of (effective) OSR in terms of CR is consistent with D. Wallace’s mathematicsfirst approach and some other new interpretations of OSR.
I.R. Skiba
Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Keywords: software component, artificial intelligence, objectoriented programming, graph theory, class, object
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The article proposes the author’s concept of software components based on some key provisions of graph theory. The proposed concept is intended to àbstràct the fundamental aspects of objectoriented programming (such as modules, classes, objects, aggregation, composition, inheritance, dependency and others) in order to adapt this paradigm to the needs of building a new generation of intelligent technology.
A.N. Spaskov
Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Keywords: monad, substance, innate idea, natural number, fibered time, temporal structure of consciousness, temporal zero, temporal one
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The second part of the article substantiates the possibility of the genesis of the general concept of number and natural numbers in the individual consciousness on the basis of innate ideas of Self and nonSelf and the ability for cognitive actions. The concepts of time and consciousness are taken as the primary concepts with which the genesis of the concept of number begins. To describe the temporal structure of consciousness, we use the model of fibered time defined on the basis of linear physical time, which was discussed in the first part (Philosophy of Science, 2015, No. 4 (67), pp. 48-69). The concepts of Self and nonSelf are defined as a single temporal cycle in consciousness. We also introduce the concepts of positive temporal one, negative temporal one and temporal zero.
T.R. Akhmetov
Institute of SocioEconomic Research, Ufa Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia
Keywords: state science and technology policy, deglobalization, state government policy, capital, world economy, evolution, globalization, sanctions of Western countries
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The study focuses on the government science and technology policy, which is undergoing changes caused by social processes occurring under the influence of factors such as globalization and deglobalization. During periods of growth of the technological mode, the integration of the world takes place; during periods of its decline, accumulated contradictions in the social, political and economic spheres are realized, resulting in military confrontation. These phenomena are caused by the growth of alternative centers (cores) of technological development. Large countries are realizing their economic potential in the hightech sector, which is a consequence of the development of their state science and technology policy. Russia, with its capabilities in this area, is forming its own distinctive system of organizing science and technological development. This study aims at determining the essence of the processes of globalization and deglobalization of the world economy and revealing the internal mechanisms underlying them. We claim that socio-political philosophy is the leading direction in the study of global problems of the development of countries, their societies and world communities. It allows us to analyze the processes of globalization and deglobalization through integrating approaches from various scientific disciplines, which makes it possible to obtain generalized conclusions on this topic. The dominance of societies and countries depends on their commitment to technocratic ethics; the implementation of its principles is the goal of the scientific and technological policy of the state.
D.N. Popov
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Dolgoprudny, Russia
Keywords: revelation, science, Gaudiya Vedanta, the sacred, the common, dialogue model, independence model
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The study reconstructs the position of the philosophical school of Gaudiya Vedanta concerning the correlation between the knowledge of revelation and the knowledge of science. The nonbinary logic and stratification of reality, which are characteristic of Indian philosophy and especially Vedanta suggests the existence of a more complex position that goes beyond the dichotomy of modernism and traditionalism, i.e. rejection of the authority of knowledge of science or revelation. The presence of sacred and common levels of reality (paramarthika, vyavaharika) and knowledge (paramavidya and aparavidya) helps to reconstruct the combination of various models of the relationship between revelation and scientific knowledge. At the level of sacred knowledge, relations are manifested according to the model of independence or according to the model of conflict (the main process of Gaudiya Vedanta is internal transformation, and the object is the transcendental sound of revelation, not subject to doubt and empirical analysis); at the level of common reality, relations are manifested according to the model of dialogue through variable interpretation (issues of history, medicine, astronomy, biology, geography), but without denying the provisions of revelation, in contrast to liberal theology.
A.V. Sukhoverkhov, N.V. Plotnikov, O.S. Kuznetsova
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russia
Keywords: sex, gender, evolution of sex, platonic love, metaphysics of sex, theory of love
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The popularity of the problem of gender has increased significantly in modern science. This interest was facilitated by the boost of gender issues in culture and society. However, available approaches to the study of the problem of gender are largely onesided, focusing either on the social or biological aspects of sex (gender). Borrowing ideas from the works of Russian philosophers (V.S. Solovyov, I.A. Ilyin, N.A. Berdyaev and V.V. Rozanov), the article presents an integrative approach. It is aimed at an interdisciplinary analysis of gender issues from a position that combines the results of research in biology, sociology, psychology, cultural studies and philosophy. Based on a comparative analysis, the research provides a juxtaposition of theories of sex and sexual love in philosophy and natural sciences and examines the main determinants of sex. It has been revealed that in nature and society, the determination of sex occurs by involving not only biological factors but also social and cognitive ones. The necessity of further maintenance of the “romantic” tradition in the understanding of the nature of sex and sexual love is emphasized.