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Philosophy of Sciences

2024 year, number 2


T.R. Akhmetov
Institute of SocioEconomic Research, Ufa Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia
Keywords: state science and technology policy, deglobalization, state government policy, capital, world economy, evolution, globalization, sanctions of Western countries


The study focuses on the government science and technology policy, which is undergoing changes caused by social processes occurring under the influence of factors such as globalization and deglobalization. During periods of growth of the technological mode, the integration of the world takes place; during periods of its decline, accumulated contradictions in the social, political and economic spheres are realized, resulting in military confrontation. These phenomena are caused by the growth of alternative centers (cores) of technological development. Large countries are realizing their economic potential in the hightech sector, which is a consequence of the development of their state science and technology policy. Russia, with its capabilities in this area, is forming its own distinctive system of organizing science and technological development. This study aims at determining the essence of the processes of globalization and deglobalization of the world economy and revealing the internal mechanisms underlying them. We claim that socio-political philosophy is the leading direction in the study of global problems of the development of countries, their societies and world communities. It allows us to analyze the processes of globalization and deglobalization through integrating approaches from various scientific disciplines, which makes it possible to obtain generalized conclusions on this topic. The dominance of societies and countries depends on their commitment to technocratic ethics; the implementation of its principles is the goal of the scientific and technological policy of the state.