V.L. Nekipelyy1,2,3
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:144:"1PGD “Zapsibgeolsyomka”, Elan, Russia 2JSC “Siberian PGD”, Elan, Russia 3JSC “Rosgeologiya”, Elan, Russia";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"html";}
Keywords: geonomic form of motion of matter, material carrier, geosciences, geonomy
The article substantiates the expediency of identifying the geonomic form of motion of matter. It is shown that the geological form of motion of matter cannot be considered as a mode of existence for all envelopes of the planet Earth. It can perform this function only for inner envelopes. Unsolved problems of the concept of the geological form of motion are the ambiguity in the understanding of the material carrier and the lack of evidence of the structural relationship of the geological form of motion with the superior biological form. The geonomic form of motion of matter is the mode of existence of the inorganic nature of the Earth starting from the mineral up to the planet as a whole. Its identification meets all the requirements for identifying the forms of motion of matter. The Earth is considered as an integral selfgoverning system of all its envelopes including its core, mantle, earth crust, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. For the geonomic form of motion, a genetic and structural relationship is determined with its superior biological form of motion. The structural relationship is determined on the basis of the significant role of water in both inorganic and organic nature. The geonomic form of motion is one of the basic forms and, among them, occupies a place between the planetary and biological forms of motion. The geological and physicalgeographical forms of motion are part of the geonomic form at a lower hierarchical level. The material carrier of the geonomic form of motion is studied by the science called geonomy. The geonomic form of motion is its philosophical foundation. Geonomy is in the list of basic natural sciences along with physics, chemistry and biology.