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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2024 year, number 2


Sergey B. Kuznetsov1,2
1Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2The Russian Presidential Academy Of National Economy And Public Administration, Siberian Institute of Management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: main factors of production, investment, Navier-Stokes equation, resistance of the economic environment, economic growth equation, business coefficient


This article is devoted to mathematical modeling of the development of the main factors of production under the influence of investment speed. The issue of the influence of state, interstate and natural restrictions on economic growth is considered through an analysis of the relationship between factors of production. The article presents the concept of the resistance tensor of the economic environment, which allows us to take into account the impact of changes in economic policy on the development of factors of production. When constructing the resistance tensor, an attempt is made to reflect the influence on economic development of external and internal factors of the national economy, such as tax policy, competition and the banking system, customs legislation, sanctions, etc. An important point in the article is the equations connecting the rate of investment development and the rate of change in the main factors of production in an economic object. By analyzing this relationship, one can better understand the dynamics of economic development and the possible factors influencing it. The article also proposes a new system of economic growth equations, which uses the resistance tensor of the economic environment, similar to the vector Navier-Stokes equation. However, solving the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equation remains a difficult task, so it is proposed to use an approach with piecewise constant coefficients describing the state of the economic environment. This allows us to take into account non-stationary processes and the distribution of the rate of investment development. The work highlights the importance of mathematical modeling for understanding the development of the main factors of production in the national economy. Taking into account the impact of resistance from the economic environment helps to improve our understanding of the dynamics of economic growth and identify the factors that have the greatest impact on this process.