2024 year, number 2
Mikhail N. Kulapov1, Yuri G. Odegov1, Nikolay N. Uraev2, Sergey V. Manakhov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation 2Joint-stock company “OKB KP”, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: labor market, employment, labor demand, labor supply, fertility, digitalization, shortage and shortage of personnel, reserves for eliminating the deficit
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The market as such is a social institution that facilitates the exchange of different types of goods and services. In general, the labor market should be considered as an integral part of the market economy, functioning in it along with other markets - resources, goods, securities, etc. It is a system of social relations between employers, employees and the state present on the market, reflecting and achieving a balance of interests between them for a given period, ensuring the reproduction, exchange and use of living labor. It has its own specific internal structure, the main elements of which are: the demand for labor; the supply of labor; the price of power; labor cost; competition. The transition to a market economy has led to the fact that for the bulk of the economically active population, labor has become wage-based, depending on the ratio of supply and demand and economic conditions. This is where the employee sells his workforce to the employer. Today, the labor market is undergoing rapid changes associated with a number of global factors such as a change in technological structure, digitalization of the economy, demographic and age-related changes in the structure of the population. It adapts to external conditions, for example, the consequences and limitations of the coronavirus epidemic, creates new formats of labor relations, in particular, the format of self-employment set by national goals, and forms relevant requests to employers and job seekers, the answer to which is not always obvious. Responding to the creation of high-performance jobs, the labor market increases the proportion of atypical forms of employment, which are becoming more and more in demand as a result of more flexible legal regulation of labor relations. The model of labor market flexibility focuses mainly not on the macro, but on the micro level, not on external, but on internal labor markets, not on quantitative, but on qualitative adaptation of employment. The International Labour Organization links modern transformations in the world of work with such areas of the economy as the informal economy, non-standard forms of work and other new forms of employment. All of them have qualities that destroy standard employment from the inside and expand non-standard employment. The consequence of this is the forced employment of large masses of workers in conditions of partial or complete loss of their labor and social rights provided for in standard employment. The International Labour Organization estimates the negative impact of precarious employment on modern employment to be higher than unemployment.
Olga B. Digilina1,2, Alexander A. Vinarchik1
1Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Moscow, Russian Federation 2Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: international transport system, global freight flows, international transport corridor, infrastructure limitations, transit transport flows
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The purpose of this article is to identify the main problems and directions of transformation of the international transport and logistics system in modern geopolitical conditions. The reasons for changing the directions of international transport corridors, their turn to the East and Asia are discussed. And although the volume of cargo transportation is increasing, there are objective reasons limiting its growth: organizational barriers, difficulties in financial servicing of supply chains, inconsistency of customs procedures, infrastructural obstacles, geopolitical and territorial disagreements.
Alexey V. Abolmasov1, Stepan A. Smirnov1, Tatyana A. Golubitskaya2, Ruslan A. Dolzhenko3
1Institute of Training and Development Technologies - ANO DPO “ITOR”, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 2ANO “Rosatom Corporate Academy”, Moscow, Russian Federation 3Ural State Economic University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: corporate training, corporate training system, corporate strategies, organizational structure of corporate training systems, key indicators of training effectiveness
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In the context of constant changes and the need to quickly respond to challenges from the outside world, the need for constant training and development of personnel becomes mandatory for business. Identification of basic directions for the development of training and development systems, consolidation of best practices, including the example of Rosatom, will make it possible to formulate recommendations for domestic companies that are faced with the need to create and develop such effective systems. The methodological basis of the study was the work of a research group of scientists from the Higher School of Management of St. Petersburg State University under the leadership of E.K. Zavyalova and the Higher School of Business of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the studies of V.S. Katkalo. In-depth interviews with managers of the training and development function of domestic large manufacturing companies, analysis of cases and documents of enterprises that have created a dedicated structure that implements the training and development function. The information base of the study consisted of materials from 20 interviews with HR directors and directors of corporate universities/educational centers, and the results of an analysis of the experience of 9 companies. The analysis showed that the functions of development and education, its representation and place in the organization’s system largely depend on the general director or HR director. Training is not a priority area for working with personnel; in most cases, the training and development function is a service function. The number of company personnel and the size of the training and development function are weakly related to each other, as is the connection of the latter with the effectiveness of the function. The findings of the study may be useful for organizational leaders and HR directors planning to develop the education and development function in the company.
Yuri P. Kishkovich
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: individual investment, financial technologies, IT services, political reality, systemic digitalization, global processes, economic activity
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This article attempts to analytically consider the resources and capabilities of IT services and financial technologies for the needs and requirements of individual investment in a new political reality. It is indicated that digital tools can serve as an important resource for individual investment, taking into account the peculiarities of the new conditions. The problem of individual investment has been considered in numerous academic papers, but this article is an attempt at a first - of-its-kind study that actualizes this economic and financial practice in a specific analytical perspective of the new reality. According to the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that digital resources (IT services and Fintech), primarily on mobile devices, can serve as a significant component optimizing the effectiveness of investment projects and individual investment as a longterm economic project.
Dmitry V. Mikhailov
Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: behavioral operations research, causal inference, loss aversion, pricing, discounting, premiums
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Recently, behavioral operations research researchers have experienced increased interest in models based on causal inference, and the authors note a dearth of observational studies in national real estate markets. The present study fills this gap. His research hypotheses concern the benefits of incorporating behavioral factors into models of decision-making systems and optimizing the instrumental policies of companies. The work has both scientific and applied significance. The novelty of the work lies in the use of advanced machine learning methods to estimate the conditional causal effect.
Sergey B. Kuznetsov1,2
1Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation 2The Russian Presidential Academy Of National Economy And Public Administration, Siberian Institute of Management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: main factors of production, investment, Navier-Stokes equation, resistance of the economic environment, economic growth equation, business coefficient
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This article is devoted to mathematical modeling of the development of the main factors of production under the influence of investment speed. The issue of the influence of state, interstate and natural restrictions on economic growth is considered through an analysis of the relationship between factors of production. The article presents the concept of the resistance tensor of the economic environment, which allows us to take into account the impact of changes in economic policy on the development of factors of production. When constructing the resistance tensor, an attempt is made to reflect the influence on economic development of external and internal factors of the national economy, such as tax policy, competition and the banking system, customs legislation, sanctions, etc. An important point in the article is the equations connecting the rate of investment development and the rate of change in the main factors of production in an economic object. By analyzing this relationship, one can better understand the dynamics of economic development and the possible factors influencing it. The article also proposes a new system of economic growth equations, which uses the resistance tensor of the economic environment, similar to the vector Navier-Stokes equation. However, solving the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equation remains a difficult task, so it is proposed to use an approach with piecewise constant coefficients describing the state of the economic environment. This allows us to take into account non-stationary processes and the distribution of the rate of investment development. The work highlights the importance of mathematical modeling for understanding the development of the main factors of production in the national economy. Taking into account the impact of resistance from the economic environment helps to improve our understanding of the dynamics of economic growth and identify the factors that have the greatest impact on this process.
Anna I. Glazko
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: accounting, balance sheet, balance sheet, theory, analysis, financial modeling
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This article is devoted to the problem of determining the semantic content of balance sheet assets and the impact of this problem on the analysis of financial statements. Discussions on this issue began by Western and domestic balance specialists of the XIX-XX century and remain relevant at the present time. Ivan Romanovich Nikolaev, one of the few proponents of dynamic balance theory among Russian balance sheet specialists of the 20th century, paid special attention to the problem of determining assets. Representing the views of accounting realism, he defended the approach according to which an asset represents the amount of costs incurred, rather than the objective value of the property. In terms of analysis, his ideas prove the futility of calculating liquidity ratios in the event that an asset is recognized as a set of expenses that have not yet been written off.
Yulia K. Yakovleva
Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Keywords: cost of sales, sales volume, profit, CVP analysis, management
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Costs are the basis of any type of activity and are the factor that has a direct impact on the financial results of the organization. That is why organizations are urgent issues of implementation of methodological tools that would allow to reduce costs and ensure their rational distribution between individual responsibility centers. To identify cost reduction reserves, it is necessary to provide an effective management system using modern tools. CVP-analysis is such a tool, which provides an opportunity to take into account the impact of costs on the results of the enterprise’s activities and to evaluate alternative management decisions. The paper demonstrates the possibility of using CVP-analysis to manage costs and financial results in the health resort sector on the example of enterprises of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. The necessity of application of CVP-analysis as an important tool in the management of economic stability is determined and the prerequisites for minimizing entrepreneurial risk are revealed. The relationship between costs, production volume and profit in the sanatorium-resort sphere is presented and substantiated, taking into account the current economy, namely the conditions of uncertainty and risk. The study of CVP analysis aims to identify the level of sales revenue at which the enterprise will cover fixed and variable costs to strengthen economic sustainability. Despite the fact that the CVP system does not solve all the problems of effective management, it is on the basis of the data of the classical CVP-analysis that it becomes possible to assess the risk by the indicators of financial strength reserve, sensitivity to changes in the coefficient of variable costs and the amount of fixed costs in the same way as it is offered by some methods of risk analysis. CVP-analysis capabilities allow to effectively manage costs, find the optimal ratio between fixed and variable costs, price and volume of production (services), effectively forecast and plan the company’s profit. Since the main indicator of the efficiency of the enterprise is the ratio of profit and costs, the management of the enterprise can make balanced managerial decisions to ensure high performance of operating activities and achieve the desired financial performance, using the methodology of CVP-analysis. All this allows the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and risk to increase the potential of profit formation and, accordingly, to strengthen economic stability.
Diana E. Bataeva, Polina A. Novoselova, Galina B. Parshukova
Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A.D. Kryachkov, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: social stereotype, city, metropolis, Novosibirsk, urban environment, social portrait of the city
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Economic factors often play a decisive role in the design of the urban environment, and the sociological features of human perception of the urban environment and its individual objects remain unaccounted for. The article examines the social stereotypes existing in the space of a modern megalopolis city on the example of Novosibirsk, and also provides recommendations on reducing the negative impact of social stereotypes in urban space. The results of the study can be used to adjust the image of the city, as well as to develop a number of urban planning programs and strategies.
Vitaly P. Mikitchuk1, Anna A. Stanovaya2
1North-Eastern State University, Magadan, Russian Federation 2Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" named after D.F. Ustinov, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: national economy, balance, economic security, government regulation, market instruments, economic growth
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The article presents arguments in favor of strengthening the relationship between the balance of the economy and economic security from the point of view of the prospects for the formation of rational macro- and mesoeconomic policies. Based on this, a conceptual framework for ensuring a balanced Russian economy based on inter-sectoral balance has been proposed. The development of appropriate management decisions should be based on a reasonable combination of state and market regulatory instruments, which, in turn, involves achieving a balance of economic interests of all economic entities. At the same time, the solution to pressing problems of economic growth in Russia is ensured in the context of the balanced development of industries and territories, as well as increasing the level of economic security. Such changes have an impact on the characteristics and composition of the management tools used, which expands the existing scientific ideas about balance, which acts as a condition for the sustainable, dynamic development of the Russian economy and strengthening its position in the global space.
Roman O. Malinovsky, Alexander Yu. Anisimov
Moscow University of Industry and Finance, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: anti-crisis strategy, business strategy, anti-crisis management, food industry enterprise, PEST-analysis, BCG (Boston Consulting Group matrix), anti-crisis strategy implementation, Thompson-Strickland matrix
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Modern conditions for the functioning of modern enterprises require the formation of new methodological approaches to the development of anti-crisis strategies that take into account industry specifics. In addition, the optimality of the anti-crisis strategy depends on the choice of strategic tools that allow you to identify key factors and trends that affect the enterprise at the current moment and in the long term. Therefore, it is necessary to initiate scientific research to form an optimal set of strategic tools for developing an anti-crisis strategy, taking into account industry specifics. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for choosing the optimal anti-crisis strategy for a food industry enterprise based on the choice of the optimal combination of strategic analysis methods used in the development of anti-crisis strategies. The research methods are: comparative analysis, statistical analysis, PESTLE analysis, BCG matrix (matrix of the Boston Consulting Group), Thompson-Strickland matrix. The result of the study is recommendations on the choice of an anti-crisis strategy for the enterprise LLC “Amadeus”. The authors conclude that the use of PEST-analysis in combination with the BCG matrix gives a synergistic effect, allowing you to choose the optimal anti-crisis strategy for a food industry enterprise.
Alexander S. Tretiakov1,2
1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation 2Samsung Electronics Rus Company LLC, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: D2C business model, digital marketing, analytics, O2O experience, personalization
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The purpose of the article is to analyze the opportunities of direct interaction between companies with consumers in conditions of changes using D2C business model, to help trading organizations extract benefits from D2C model, to achieve a competitive advantage and satisfying customer needs. In recent years, D2C model has become more and more popular within the development of digital technologies and online sales. The tasks of this article are to investigate the main advantages of the D2C model, such as increasing the profitability of the company due to the lack of intermediaries and the possibility of managing prices for its products, creating its own brand and image by improving recognition and creating unique experience for their customers, scaling business by attracting new customers, the introduction of new products and innovations that allow you to quickly respond to changes in consumer demand, it is better to adapt to the requirements of the market and be more flexible in their business solutions. The article will also consider possible risks and the methods of their leveling are proposed. Trade companies that manage to effectively integrate D2C model into their business successfully interact with the consumer, improve the quality of their products based on the collected customer feedback. However, in conditions of changes that directly affect consumer needs, increase in competition and the need to build long-term relations, force trading companies to encounter challenges when introducing D2C model. The article will open up the problems and methods of solving them for the trading companies effective adaptation to any changes in the market. The object of research are different tools used for the effective implementation of D2C model in modern trading organizations. The subject of the study is the relationship between company and the consumer during the implementation of D2C strategy. The research methodology is based on objective trends, significant connections and dependencies. Key results are reduced to the analysis of the effectiveness of methods for the successful implementation of D2C strategy of a trading company. The conclusion declares the general conclusion that companies using D2C model have huge potential for development in Russia, and with competent strategic planning, competitive advantages increase significantly.