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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2023 year, number 1


A. V. Svistunov1, I. A. Torchin2
1Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, 2 Production Association Murom Machine Building Plant Murom, Russian Federation
2Production Association Murom Machine Building Plant, 2 Production Association Murom Machine Building Plant Murom, Russian Federation
Keywords: management of apartment buildings, managing organization, customeroriented service, quality targets, competitiveness


The article addresses the issue of providing a competitive service in the field of apartment building management. An overview of housing management practices is presented. Management organizations do not provide the required level of competitiveness in terms of the ratio of quality indicators and tariff value. This problem causes consumer discontent. A comprehensive system of target indicators for the quality of services for managing apartment buildings is proposed within the framework of a client-oriented approach to servicing by managing organizations. It is aimed at achieving the required level of competitiveness in this area.