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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2023 year, number 1


D. A. Ruban
South Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Keywords: business communication, publishers, content-analysis, industrial market, managerial strategies


Book publishing is an individual sector of economy, which needs development of successful strategies, also communicational, in the conditions of the ongoing transformation. The aim of the article is to study self-positioning as an element of corporate communication of the leading Russian book publishing groups and publishers. The principal method is content-analysis of the relevant information blocks from the official Internet-pages of 15 leaders of the domestic book publishing. The results outline self-positioning with seven components, among which the most frequent are “Production”, “History”, and “Leadership”. Notably, some book publishers emphasize on solution of super-tasks. The companies use chiefly different sets of components, which fact implies individuality of their approaches to self-positioning. The frequency of some components is linked unexpectedly to the monopolization of the domestic book market. Generally, the use of the considered element of corporate communication by the leaders of book publishing in Russia can be judged rather mature, although successful self-positioning may require some additional components.