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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2023 year, number 1


S. A. Smirnov
Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: humanitarian expertise, socio-humanistic engineering, method of expertise, human-sizedness, project, projection


The paper presents the conception of humanitarian expertise practice as a method. It is justified that the so-called post-non-classical situation allows coexistence of various ontologies and ontological patterns. It is presumed that these ontologies are project and human-created. The accustomed approaches of learning the world through objects and mastering the world in a necessary way are being replaced with an approach which measures, on the one hand, the constant transformation of the worlds, on the other - the metamorphoses and authors of the projects that go through their own process of changes together with human-created worlds. The article presents the method of humanitarian expertise understood as the method of socio-humanistic engineering which implies construction and alteration of social worlds and management of metamorphosis of these changes. The author demonstrates that the transition to non-classical situation of self-determination is related to the replacement of the principle of human-sizedness of the world and the principles of objectivity, rationality and cognizability of the world with other patterns: that the world is not objective, not human-scaled, not sensible or rational. It is diverse - depending on the patterns of the designer. The article presents the principle scheme of this method. It describes the situation of launch and initiation of the project aimed not only at creation of new worlds but management of the metamorphosis of the changes in the authors of these changes. It is the unique feature of humanitarian projection and social engineering that differs from previously described experience and practice of the application of the project approach, where the authors of the projects were not the subject of reflexive self-projection.