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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 1

Universality and contextuality of the category of "public upbringing"

Z. A. Aksyutina
Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk, Russia
Keywords: upbringing, category, public upbringing, social upbringing, anti-pedagogy


Introduction. The category of “public upbringingˮ has historically determined roots and is considered throughout the history of the development of education. The article attempts to analyze the manifestation of the main properties of this category - universality and contextuality. The purpose of the article is to characterize the properties of universality and contextuality of public upbringing as a philosophical category through the theoretical reconstruction of its historical development. Methodology. In the course of the study, reliance was placed on the system-historical and categorical approaches. Discussion. The article reveals the historical plot of the formation of the category of public upbringing since Antiquity. Already in the works of Aristotle and Plato, the operation of the category of public upbringing in relation to citizens can be traced. In the Middle Ages, there is a further differentiation of the category according to the forms, means and ways of belonging to a certain community of people. The Renaissance reveals dichotomous contradictions in public upbringing. The Age of Enlightenment pushes for the disclosure of public upbringing as natural. New Time sets the theorized nature of the terminological design of the category. Conclusion. At the end, the author concludes that the category “public upbringingˮ is universal in nature due to the fact that upbringing covers all strata, strata, groups of the population. This demonstrates its universality, since the category reflects the unity of applicability for everything. The formation of the category of “public upbringingˮ took place on the basis of taking into account time and space, which was the social environment of a particular historical period. This led to the fact that different meanings were invested in the category, where there was a dyad “text - contextˮ and transfer as the main mechanism of meaning formation, which indicates the contextuality of the category of “public upbringingˮ.