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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 1

Institute of education and modern social reality: signs and trends of development

O. B. Istomina
Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: institution of education, new social reality, types of rationality, irrational rationality, culture of consumption, macdonaldization, macaforming, simulacra and simulations, management, dehumanization

Abstract >>
Introduction. Dramatic changes in the social structure and political regulation of the public system necessitated a rethinking of the characteristics of the educational system and its resources. The position is represented by a socio-philosophical analysis of the characteristics of the modern Russian Institute of Education, dynamics trends due to the current types of postmodern rationality. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the author’s research was the dialectical method, historical, systemic, comparative analysis. Explored the signs of the institute within the postmodern paradigm of social structure. The problem is investigated from the standpoint of socio-philosophical analysis, which allows exploring the multivariant discursive space of the institute of education, its current state, characteristic features and projections of the social future. Discussion. From the standpoint of social significance, social processes and characteristics of the education system are characterized. Among them, the author identifies the most significant: the introduction of the principles of consumption culture; the primacy of simulacres and simulations in the system reform program; management in the implementation of personnel management of the educational organization; the establishment of the principles of macturing (efficiency, calculability, predictability); substituting qualitative and quantitative approaches; the breakdown of normative images of education; an irrational imaginery that determined the vector of dehumanization of the educational system. The destructive impact of these characteristics on the functioning of the institute, destroying the rational and humanitarian principles of the education system itself, is justified. Destruction of modern strategies in education based on analysis of virulence and contagiousness of social consequences of devoid of national specificity and state goal setting of educational policy are disclosed and analyzed. The conclusion fixed position on the significant updating of the research topic and the growing need for reflection and socio-philosophical analysis of the development trends of the Institute of Education from the standpoint of public inquiry and solving national problems.

Categories of "tradition" and "innovation" in the scientific and educational space of the University

N. N. Abakumova1, Guofang Lei1,2
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2Ji Nan No. 1 Middle School, Shandong, China
Keywords: traditions, innovations, innovative changes, continuity, scientific and educational space of the university

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Introduction. The problem of the traditional and innovative scientific and educational space of the university is actualized in the aspect of the uncertainty of innovative changes, the ambiguity of socio-educational priorities, the lack of a holistic methodology of philosophical understanding of certainty and uncertainty in ontological, epistemological, epistemological, axiological research programs, which affects the possibility of forecasting in education. Methodology. The methodological basis is the theories of pedagogical innovation by V. I. Zagvyazinsky, M. M. Potashnik, V. A. Slastenin, and the conceptual foundations of the philosophy of education (forecasting, modeling, design) by V. P. Bespalko and B. S. Gershunsky. To determine the traditional and innovative component of the evaluation system of the scientific and educational space of the university, materials are used that can show the state of the object (university), the results of statistical monitoring, monitoring of graduates’ employment, etc. Discussion. The directions of research in the issues of continuity of the organization and development of the scientific and educational space of the university are highlighted. A working definition of the concept of “innovative changes” is given, which demonstrates the combination of traditions and the implementation of innovative changes taking into account continuity, which will contribute to achieving a new quality of education. The interrelation and subordination of the categories “traditions” and “innovations” is established, which allows us to more fully characterize the processes of succession. It is determined that in the future, the coordinated development of the categories “traditions” and “innovations” in the field of educational practice can be fixed in the following directions: multilevel system modeling (including characteristics of federal, regional and other levels), a combination of internal and external assessments; development of criteria for educational achievements related to the use of innovative changes; evaluation of innovative changes in in the context of the organization of international research (participation in international rankings). Conclusion. The evaluation system of the scientific and educational space of the university includes an assessment of traditional and innovative changes in internal and external conditions and mechanisms, their speed of response to changes in the external environment, the digital transformation of the university, and the possibility of institutionalization of innovative changes.

On the way to the health of society. Part 4. Knowledge studies as the basis of Russian education

E. V. Ushakova1, T. S. Kosenko2, I. V. Yakovleva2
1Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: public health, normos and pathos, social normogenesis and pathogenesis, basic question, ontology and epistemology of education, basic intelligence, axiology and culture of distinction in education

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Introduction. The presented article is the fourth and final part of the series of articles “On the way to the health of society” published in the “Philosophy of Education” journal. It reveals the following fundamental provisions of knowledge studies in education: its ontology, epistemology and axiology. These are the social ontology of educational processes; the main issue of education; epistemology of education; basic intelligence of students; polar constructive and destructive transformations of education; culture of education in the analysis of polar social processes. The methodology is represented by the concepts of cyclism, dialectics of social processes; system philosophy; comparativism; axiology of society and education. Discussion. 1. The attributive structure of education in society is shown. 2. The content of the main question of education, including the subsections: how to teach; what to teach; whom to teach? 3. Epistemology and knowledge studies in education, the main learning strategy, the main blocks of vital knowledge are analyzed. 4. The concept of basic intelligence in education is discussed. 5. The polar transformations in education are traced: along the path of normogenesis (normosa) with the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, along the path of pathogenesis (pathos), with the appearance of “human marriage” in education. 6. The culture of distinction is analyzed as an important aspect of the axiology of education in identifying polar transformations of social processes. Conclusion. A number of materials on the philosophy of education and knowledge studies related to the problems of education and training that determine the healthy existence of modern society, normos and normogenesis in the field of education are summarized.

Digital technologies in educational interactions: the problem of trust

S. I. Chernykh1, I. G. Borisenko2
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: educational interactions, student community, pedagogical community, trust, Internet technologies

Abstract >>
Introduction. The analysis of the development of Internet technologies and their adaptation to the education system is an important direction of modern philosophy. The purpose of the research is to find answers to the questions: how does the student community use electronic technologies; who and in what types of educational practices do students trust more? And also on the basis of existing and conducted new research to identify changes and track the transformational process in the problem of trust. Methodology. A sociological survey combined with an analytical approach allowed not only to present the problem of the phenomenon of trust itself, but also to specify it in application to the interaction of three compositional elements of educational interactions: the pedagogical community, the student community and Internet technologies. Discussion. The social attitude is that with the development of digital means in educational interaction, the need for direct communication between students and a teacher is reduced if their digital literacy is coordinated (according to the level of development) in both subjects. It is established that during the sessions (exams, tests, defense and preparation of term papers and theses), students are more willing to resort to personal communication with the teacher. Conclusions. The results of the study indicated that: trust in the book as a source of information decreases, which determines new value orientations and requires the formation of appropriate skills, including psychological readiness for such a “turning point”; school preparation does not provide a sufficient level of preparedness, therefore mastering the function of a personifier of educational interactions falls a serious responsibility on a university teacher, which is reflected in the “critical points” of the educational process.

The humanitarian content problem of human capital in Russian and foreign educational systems: a comparative analysis

O. V. Tsiguleva
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia

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Introduction. The problem of humanitarian content human capital lies in the technocratization of education and its consideration through an economic prism. An illustrative example of it is the Bologna process, which main reason was not the cultural transmission of national values within European states, but the inability to meet economic segment needs. A comparative analysis of educational systems reforming in European countries clearly demonstrated that the main trends in educational policy are leading of market model sample, where instead of pedagogical tasks providing educational services is imposed. Due to this problem solution is in rethinking human capital and considering it through the pedagogical science, defining its humanitarian component as a key one. Methodology. As a methodological basis, a comparative analysis of educational programs contents in the countries of Western Europe, Asia and Russia is used. Discussion. The main characteristics of educational systems of countries-initiators Bologna process are presented. It is noted that the Bologna process (as an economic concept of human capital formation), assuming a two-level education, contributed to economizing resources with the possibility of expanding higher education, profession choice, educational mobility, but, could not prevent a radical reconstruction of existing educational institutions, almost complete loss of national education systems` identity and originality. Conclusion. The main problem of modern education system is the lack of definitions of its goals and means that correspond to modern realities, requiring awareness of who and what is the subject of educational process, and such things as moral, spiritual and psychological values, moral beliefs, internal culture personality and. etc. That is why there is an urgent need for a new look and new interpretation of human capital phenomenon (education) in pedagogical science context.

Representation of the ideas of mercy in the system of practical application of the laws of the Russian Federation in the education system

V. A. Skorev, Yu. P. Shevchenko
Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies, Omsk, Russia
Keywords: interaction, education, humanism, charity, pedagogical, prevention, professionalism, service

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Introduction. The problems of protecting human rights and freedoms in the field of education and upbringing are at the intersection of philosophy, jurisprudence, and pedagogy. This is inherent in the idea of a social and legal state. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to rethink the idea of mercy in the system of legislative projects at the federal and regional levels of the Russian Federation in order to harmonize the relationship between the individual and the social in a person. The article is devoted to the actual processes taking place in the educational, educational and preventive activities of educational organizations in the context of a deep transformation of public relations. The purpose of the study is to identify the systemic factors underlying the mechanisms of modernization of the educational and educational processes of modern educational organizations. The novelty consists in the desire to highlight charity as an amplifying contour of the main activities of educational organizations, representation and practical application of the current laws of the Russian Federation. Methodology. The study was conducted as part of the collection and interpretation of empirical information on the formation of Russian educational policy based on the methodology of the axiology of education. The axiological methodology allowed the authors to investigate: the institutional approach of the place and role of educational organizations in the prevention of deviant behaviors of children and youth; the need to model the position and role of a teacher (teacher, mentor) as a professional and competent specialist capable of translating the soul’s abilities to goodness, justice and mercy; the regional component of the award policy preserved in the legislative acts of education, upbringing, prevention of offenses on the principles of mercy. Discussion. The purpose of an educational organization in its current state is rethought, the factors preventing the disclosure of its potential are analyzed and it is determined that the basis for adapting educational activities to socio-political realities is a developed spiritual, moral and legal culture, traditional values of Russian society. Based on the understanding of humanistic problems that inevitably accompany new trends in education, two reinforcing contours of mercy are discussed (the potential role of an educational institution in the prevention of deviant behaviors and juvenile delinquency; the role of the representation of ideas of mercy in the system of evaluating the activities of educational workers). Conclusion. The proposed recommendations can be used to increase the range of scientific research in the field of spiritual and moral values, the key of which is charity. The review and interpretation of federal and regional laws presented in the article allow us to rationally explain the phenomenon of mercy as an unconditional value of public and individual consciousness, which allows us to gain confidence and certainty in the conditions of the collapse of normative patterns of education and the uncertainty of being. Such a socio-philosophical understanding of the relationship between educational policy and individual-social consciousness is the basis for reforming and updating theoretical and applied research in the field of philosophy of education.

Dignity as the harmony of the individual and the social in a person

I. V. Kozlova, V. V. Bruno
Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: human dignity, education, upbringing, inner dignity, social dignity, morality, individual, public

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Introduction. Dignity affects various aspects of human existence, therefore, the relevance of the problem of its formation within the educational system is an important resource for improving individual self-awareness. To clarify the nature of the origin of dignity, the article discusses the main theoretical approaches of modern researchers on the problem of understanding its essential characteristics, ways of formation and dialectics of development. Methodology. The review of literary sources devoted to the formation of human dignity is based on a systematic approach that takes into account the unity of the subjective, social and anthropological. Discussion. Starting from a systematic approach, three research directions of conceptualization of human dignity are determined: the subjective direction (considers the individual as a unique subject of the life of the whole society, while its spiritual content is understood as a fundamental quality); the social direction (takes into account the socio-cultural essence of human existence, a person with a high sense of dignity influences culture as a whole, the prosperity of his of the nation and of all mankind); anthropological direction (defines a person with the original endowment of dignity, since a person is a representative of “Homo sapiensˮ). The article also examines the thesis of the important importance in the process of forming the dignity of the unity of the individual and the social in the educational process by the example of the theories of D. Dewey and E. Fromm. Conclusion. A review of the scientific literature on the problem raised allowed us to formulate the author’s definition of “human dignityˮ, assess the role of education in its formation and outline ways of constructive implementation of this process.

Human problems in the philosophy of education

L. T. Retyunskikh
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: education, enlightenment, paideia philosophizing, critical thinking, creative thinking, virtual reality, digital environment, teaching philosophy

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Introduction. In order to study education as a socio-cultural phenomenon and to identify its most effective strategy in modern conditions, there are two basic models of education - informational and research. The research model is associated with the ancient paideia and the Kantian idea of education as Enlightenment, the information model - with the source of truth, which is reflected in the function of the teacher as a carrier of information. The teacher becomes the student’s assistant in mastering new thinking skills. It is important to emphasize the philosophical component of education at all its levels, forms and content. Methodology. The article is theoretical in the field of philosophy of education with the use of dialectical, hermeneutic and existential methodologies and the use of such theoretical methods as analysis, synthesis, interpretation, conceptualization, problematization. Discussion. For the formation of independent, creative and inventive thinking in the conditions of the information society and its increasing digitalization, it is proposed to reflect such points of view as: paideia yesterday and today; education as the development of thinking; education: information and thinking; creative thinking as the ability to use one’s own mind; challenges of modernity and education (virtual and real); philosophy as a tool education as Enlightenment. The view of education from the standpoint of Kant’s understanding of Enlightenment allowed us to significantly supplement the interpretations of its main goals and objectives available in modern philosophy and pedagogy, which seems to be a new aspect of the problem being studied. In addition, the novelty of the research is determined by the position justifying the continuity of historically established models of education and the role of the philosophical component of education as a way of its development within the framework of the Enlightenment paradigm. Conclusion. The information can be used as a methodology for the formation of the principles of educational activity and as the material of educational courses on the philosophy of education for students of pedagogical and philosophical specialties.

Philosophy with children in the context of school program planning: synthesis of innovations and traditions

S. G. Doronina
Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
Keywords: philosophy with children, education, philosophical practices, The community of Inquiry, reflective thinking, curricula, innovation

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Introduction. The article is one of the first attempts in Belarus to revise the approaches of curriculum planning at school, taking into account the actual needs of children, based on the main ideas and methods of the world-famous movement “Philosophy for Childrenˮ. The educational, educational, socio-cultural potential of philosophy for children in the development of skills that are either not taken into account in ordinary school programs or are pushed into the background is demonstrated. Methodology. The advantages of the pedagogical model “research communityˮ, its impact on the school environment, the formation of values, the cultivation of skills closely related to ethical and philosophical perception and thinking and social adaptation skills in children are considered. Discussion. The article presents empirical data and reflection on the successful attempts of foreign colleagues to integrate philosophy for children into the educational process and on the actual Russian practices carried out within the framework of additional education. Conclusion. Special re- and training of specialists who want to work in the field of pedagogical practices of planning school programs in the “Philosophy for childrenˮ model has the necessary value criterion - harmonious and moral/spiritual development. Being a polysemantic concept, harmonious development includes a whole range of criteria such as moral values, the meaning of life, cultural, human and social capital, aesthetic perception, including such complex concepts as “beautyˮ, “wisdomˮ, “loveˮ, “kindnessˮ, “lonelinessˮ, “understandingˮ and many others. others that underlie the formation of the socio-cultural and intellectual younger generation.

Universality and contextuality of the category of "public upbringing"

Z. A. Aksyutina
Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk, Russia
Keywords: upbringing, category, public upbringing, social upbringing, anti-pedagogy

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Introduction. The category of “public upbringingˮ has historically determined roots and is considered throughout the history of the development of education. The article attempts to analyze the manifestation of the main properties of this category - universality and contextuality. The purpose of the article is to characterize the properties of universality and contextuality of public upbringing as a philosophical category through the theoretical reconstruction of its historical development. Methodology. In the course of the study, reliance was placed on the system-historical and categorical approaches. Discussion. The article reveals the historical plot of the formation of the category of public upbringing since Antiquity. Already in the works of Aristotle and Plato, the operation of the category of public upbringing in relation to citizens can be traced. In the Middle Ages, there is a further differentiation of the category according to the forms, means and ways of belonging to a certain community of people. The Renaissance reveals dichotomous contradictions in public upbringing. The Age of Enlightenment pushes for the disclosure of public upbringing as natural. New Time sets the theorized nature of the terminological design of the category. Conclusion. At the end, the author concludes that the category “public upbringingˮ is universal in nature due to the fact that upbringing covers all strata, strata, groups of the population. This demonstrates its universality, since the category reflects the unity of applicability for everything. The formation of the category of “public upbringingˮ took place on the basis of taking into account time and space, which was the social environment of a particular historical period. This led to the fact that different meanings were invested in the category, where there was a dyad “text - contextˮ and transfer as the main mechanism of meaning formation, which indicates the contextuality of the category of “public upbringingˮ.