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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 1

Philosophy with children in the context of school program planning: synthesis of innovations and traditions

S. G. Doronina
Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
Keywords: philosophy with children, education, philosophical practices, The community of Inquiry, reflective thinking, curricula, innovation


Introduction. The article is one of the first attempts in Belarus to revise the approaches of curriculum planning at school, taking into account the actual needs of children, based on the main ideas and methods of the world-famous movement “Philosophy for Childrenˮ. The educational, educational, socio-cultural potential of philosophy for children in the development of skills that are either not taken into account in ordinary school programs or are pushed into the background is demonstrated. Methodology. The advantages of the pedagogical model “research communityˮ, its impact on the school environment, the formation of values, the cultivation of skills closely related to ethical and philosophical perception and thinking and social adaptation skills in children are considered. Discussion. The article presents empirical data and reflection on the successful attempts of foreign colleagues to integrate philosophy for children into the educational process and on the actual Russian practices carried out within the framework of additional education. Conclusion. Special re- and training of specialists who want to work in the field of pedagogical practices of planning school programs in the “Philosophy for childrenˮ model has the necessary value criterion - harmonious and moral/spiritual development. Being a polysemantic concept, harmonious development includes a whole range of criteria such as moral values, the meaning of life, cultural, human and social capital, aesthetic perception, including such complex concepts as “beautyˮ, “wisdomˮ, “loveˮ, “kindnessˮ, “lonelinessˮ, “understandingˮ and many others. others that underlie the formation of the socio-cultural and intellectual younger generation.