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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 1

Human problems in the philosophy of education

L. T. Retyunskikh
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: education, enlightenment, paideia philosophizing, critical thinking, creative thinking, virtual reality, digital environment, teaching philosophy


Introduction. In order to study education as a socio-cultural phenomenon and to identify its most effective strategy in modern conditions, there are two basic models of education - informational and research. The research model is associated with the ancient paideia and the Kantian idea of education as Enlightenment, the information model - with the source of truth, which is reflected in the function of the teacher as a carrier of information. The teacher becomes the student’s assistant in mastering new thinking skills. It is important to emphasize the philosophical component of education at all its levels, forms and content. Methodology. The article is theoretical in the field of philosophy of education with the use of dialectical, hermeneutic and existential methodologies and the use of such theoretical methods as analysis, synthesis, interpretation, conceptualization, problematization. Discussion. For the formation of independent, creative and inventive thinking in the conditions of the information society and its increasing digitalization, it is proposed to reflect such points of view as: paideia yesterday and today; education as the development of thinking; education: information and thinking; creative thinking as the ability to use one’s own mind; challenges of modernity and education (virtual and real); philosophy as a tool education as Enlightenment. The view of education from the standpoint of Kant’s understanding of Enlightenment allowed us to significantly supplement the interpretations of its main goals and objectives available in modern philosophy and pedagogy, which seems to be a new aspect of the problem being studied. In addition, the novelty of the research is determined by the position justifying the continuity of historically established models of education and the role of the philosophical component of education as a way of its development within the framework of the Enlightenment paradigm. Conclusion. The information can be used as a methodology for the formation of the principles of educational activity and as the material of educational courses on the philosophy of education for students of pedagogical and philosophical specialties.