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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 1

Dignity as the harmony of the individual and the social in a person

I. V. Kozlova, V. V. Bruno
Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: human dignity, education, upbringing, inner dignity, social dignity, morality, individual, public


Introduction. Dignity affects various aspects of human existence, therefore, the relevance of the problem of its formation within the educational system is an important resource for improving individual self-awareness. To clarify the nature of the origin of dignity, the article discusses the main theoretical approaches of modern researchers on the problem of understanding its essential characteristics, ways of formation and dialectics of development. Methodology. The review of literary sources devoted to the formation of human dignity is based on a systematic approach that takes into account the unity of the subjective, social and anthropological. Discussion. Starting from a systematic approach, three research directions of conceptualization of human dignity are determined: the subjective direction (considers the individual as a unique subject of the life of the whole society, while its spiritual content is understood as a fundamental quality); the social direction (takes into account the socio-cultural essence of human existence, a person with a high sense of dignity influences culture as a whole, the prosperity of his of the nation and of all mankind); anthropological direction (defines a person with the original endowment of dignity, since a person is a representative of “Homo sapiensˮ). The article also examines the thesis of the important importance in the process of forming the dignity of the unity of the individual and the social in the educational process by the example of the theories of D. Dewey and E. Fromm. Conclusion. A review of the scientific literature on the problem raised allowed us to formulate the author’s definition of “human dignityˮ, assess the role of education in its formation and outline ways of constructive implementation of this process.