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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 1

Representation of the ideas of mercy in the system of practical application of the laws of the Russian Federation in the education system

V. A. Skorev, Yu. P. Shevchenko
Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies, Omsk, Russia
Keywords: interaction, education, humanism, charity, pedagogical, prevention, professionalism, service


Introduction. The problems of protecting human rights and freedoms in the field of education and upbringing are at the intersection of philosophy, jurisprudence, and pedagogy. This is inherent in the idea of a social and legal state. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to rethink the idea of mercy in the system of legislative projects at the federal and regional levels of the Russian Federation in order to harmonize the relationship between the individual and the social in a person. The article is devoted to the actual processes taking place in the educational, educational and preventive activities of educational organizations in the context of a deep transformation of public relations. The purpose of the study is to identify the systemic factors underlying the mechanisms of modernization of the educational and educational processes of modern educational organizations. The novelty consists in the desire to highlight charity as an amplifying contour of the main activities of educational organizations, representation and practical application of the current laws of the Russian Federation. Methodology. The study was conducted as part of the collection and interpretation of empirical information on the formation of Russian educational policy based on the methodology of the axiology of education. The axiological methodology allowed the authors to investigate: the institutional approach of the place and role of educational organizations in the prevention of deviant behaviors of children and youth; the need to model the position and role of a teacher (teacher, mentor) as a professional and competent specialist capable of translating the soul’s abilities to goodness, justice and mercy; the regional component of the award policy preserved in the legislative acts of education, upbringing, prevention of offenses on the principles of mercy. Discussion. The purpose of an educational organization in its current state is rethought, the factors preventing the disclosure of its potential are analyzed and it is determined that the basis for adapting educational activities to socio-political realities is a developed spiritual, moral and legal culture, traditional values of Russian society. Based on the understanding of humanistic problems that inevitably accompany new trends in education, two reinforcing contours of mercy are discussed (the potential role of an educational institution in the prevention of deviant behaviors and juvenile delinquency; the role of the representation of ideas of mercy in the system of evaluating the activities of educational workers). Conclusion. The proposed recommendations can be used to increase the range of scientific research in the field of spiritual and moral values, the key of which is charity. The review and interpretation of federal and regional laws presented in the article allow us to rationally explain the phenomenon of mercy as an unconditional value of public and individual consciousness, which allows us to gain confidence and certainty in the conditions of the collapse of normative patterns of education and the uncertainty of being. Such a socio-philosophical understanding of the relationship between educational policy and individual-social consciousness is the basis for reforming and updating theoretical and applied research in the field of philosophy of education.