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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 1

The humanitarian content problem of human capital in Russian and foreign educational systems: a comparative analysis

O. V. Tsiguleva
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia


Introduction. The problem of humanitarian content human capital lies in the technocratization of education and its consideration through an economic prism. An illustrative example of it is the Bologna process, which main reason was not the cultural transmission of national values within European states, but the inability to meet economic segment needs. A comparative analysis of educational systems reforming in European countries clearly demonstrated that the main trends in educational policy are leading of market model sample, where instead of pedagogical tasks providing educational services is imposed. Due to this problem solution is in rethinking human capital and considering it through the pedagogical science, defining its humanitarian component as a key one. Methodology. As a methodological basis, a comparative analysis of educational programs contents in the countries of Western Europe, Asia and Russia is used. Discussion. The main characteristics of educational systems of countries-initiators Bologna process are presented. It is noted that the Bologna process (as an economic concept of human capital formation), assuming a two-level education, contributed to economizing resources with the possibility of expanding higher education, profession choice, educational mobility, but, could not prevent a radical reconstruction of existing educational institutions, almost complete loss of national education systems` identity and originality. Conclusion. The main problem of modern education system is the lack of definitions of its goals and means that correspond to modern realities, requiring awareness of who and what is the subject of educational process, and such things as moral, spiritual and psychological values, moral beliefs, internal culture personality and. etc. That is why there is an urgent need for a new look and new interpretation of human capital phenomenon (education) in pedagogical science context.