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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 1

Categories of "tradition" and "innovation" in the scientific and educational space of the University

N. N. Abakumova1, Guofang Lei1,2
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2Ji Nan No. 1 Middle School, Shandong, China
Keywords: traditions, innovations, innovative changes, continuity, scientific and educational space of the university


Introduction. The problem of the traditional and innovative scientific and educational space of the university is actualized in the aspect of the uncertainty of innovative changes, the ambiguity of socio-educational priorities, the lack of a holistic methodology of philosophical understanding of certainty and uncertainty in ontological, epistemological, epistemological, axiological research programs, which affects the possibility of forecasting in education. Methodology. The methodological basis is the theories of pedagogical innovation by V. I. Zagvyazinsky, M. M. Potashnik, V. A. Slastenin, and the conceptual foundations of the philosophy of education (forecasting, modeling, design) by V. P. Bespalko and B. S. Gershunsky. To determine the traditional and innovative component of the evaluation system of the scientific and educational space of the university, materials are used that can show the state of the object (university), the results of statistical monitoring, monitoring of graduates’ employment, etc. Discussion. The directions of research in the issues of continuity of the organization and development of the scientific and educational space of the university are highlighted. A working definition of the concept of “innovative changes” is given, which demonstrates the combination of traditions and the implementation of innovative changes taking into account continuity, which will contribute to achieving a new quality of education. The interrelation and subordination of the categories “traditions” and “innovations” is established, which allows us to more fully characterize the processes of succession. It is determined that in the future, the coordinated development of the categories “traditions” and “innovations” in the field of educational practice can be fixed in the following directions: multilevel system modeling (including characteristics of federal, regional and other levels), a combination of internal and external assessments; development of criteria for educational achievements related to the use of innovative changes; evaluation of innovative changes in in the context of the organization of international research (participation in international rankings). Conclusion. The evaluation system of the scientific and educational space of the university includes an assessment of traditional and innovative changes in internal and external conditions and mechanisms, their speed of response to changes in the external environment, the digital transformation of the university, and the possibility of institutionalization of innovative changes.