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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 1

Institute of education and modern social reality: signs and trends of development

O. B. Istomina
Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: institution of education, new social reality, types of rationality, irrational rationality, culture of consumption, macdonaldization, macaforming, simulacra and simulations, management, dehumanization


Introduction. Dramatic changes in the social structure and political regulation of the public system necessitated a rethinking of the characteristics of the educational system and its resources. The position is represented by a socio-philosophical analysis of the characteristics of the modern Russian Institute of Education, dynamics trends due to the current types of postmodern rationality. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the author’s research was the dialectical method, historical, systemic, comparative analysis. Explored the signs of the institute within the postmodern paradigm of social structure. The problem is investigated from the standpoint of socio-philosophical analysis, which allows exploring the multivariant discursive space of the institute of education, its current state, characteristic features and projections of the social future. Discussion. From the standpoint of social significance, social processes and characteristics of the education system are characterized. Among them, the author identifies the most significant: the introduction of the principles of consumption culture; the primacy of simulacres and simulations in the system reform program; management in the implementation of personnel management of the educational organization; the establishment of the principles of macturing (efficiency, calculability, predictability); substituting qualitative and quantitative approaches; the breakdown of normative images of education; an irrational imaginery that determined the vector of dehumanization of the educational system. The destructive impact of these characteristics on the functioning of the institute, destroying the rational and humanitarian principles of the education system itself, is justified. Destruction of modern strategies in education based on analysis of virulence and contagiousness of social consequences of devoid of national specificity and state goal setting of educational policy are disclosed and analyzed. The conclusion fixed position on the significant updating of the research topic and the growing need for reflection and socio-philosophical analysis of the development trends of the Institute of Education from the standpoint of public inquiry and solving national problems.