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Philosophy of Sciences

2022 year, number 2


Igor Evgenievich Pris
Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 1/2, Surganov st., Minsk, 220072, Belarus
Keywords: measurement problem, relational quantum mechanics, QBism, quantum pragmatism, relative fact, quantum correlation, contextual quantum realism


The article formulates the main philosophical problem of quantum mechanics - the “measurement problem”. We reveal strengths and weaknesses of C. Rovelli’s relational interpretation and QBism developed by C. Fuchs and others. In our view, these are two extremes that share the premises of modernist philosophy: the physicalist/naturalist and the subjectivist/phenomenological. We reject the notion of relative fact that both approaches resort to and propose a new viewpoint - “quantum contextual realism”, according to which quantum ontology is sensitive to context.