A.N. Novikov
Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia
Keywords: geographical methodology, cognitive geography, classification of sciences, worldview, science studies, triplicity
We investigated the classifications of geographical sciences to find new scientific directions that are not included in any of their existing classifications. A methodology is proposed that combines three concepts: structuralism, trinitarianism and fractality. The paper provides examples of the Trinitarian approach in geography. Several traditional trends in geography have been identified (“constructive geography”, “applied geography”, and “theoretical geography”) that are not reflected in existing classifications. In our research, we found that the existing classifications do not reflect the trends in the development of science. The names for already existing directions are proposed: “encyclopedic geography”, ”world outlook geography”, “inventory geography”, “subject geography”, and “poly-scale geography”. A study and grouping of cognitive functions of geography: monitoring, popularization, relevantization, conceptualization, methodologization, education, expertise, planning, forecasting, and information support of policy has been carried out. Geographic sciences were united in hierarchical triads, inscribed in each other. An overview of the Soviet and Russian practices of combining geographical areas is given. The classification is presented not as a branching tree, but as a scientific research algorithm looped inside a fractal triangle. Difficulties that arise in implementation of this algorithm are indicated. The historically established logic of the development of geography in “switching” the focus of research to various subjects of study: “structure, process and environment” is substantiated. The differences in interpretation and content between Russian and foreign cognitive geography are revealed. The advantages in the development of both directions are indicated and an attempt is made to combine them in a single algorithm. The harmonious coexistence in geography of two ideological formulas (dichotomy and trichotomy) is demonstrated.