O.E. Medvedeva1, V.S. Tikunov2, A.I. Artemenkov3
1State University of Management, Moscow, Russia 2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 3Westminster International University in Tashkent, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: ecosystem services, assimilation of pollution, environmental damage, rent, seaports, pollution charges in ports
The methodology of economic valuation of ecosystem services of the marine environment is considered, which implies identification and valuation of the benefits obtained by humans from using marine ecosystems. It was found that the previously done research has disregarded and has not assessed the assimilation potential of port water areas, which consists in the absorption and dispersion of pollution arising in the course of port activities. A methodological approach is proposed for its assessment as well as an algorithm for calculating the rent-based assimilation potential by the amount of saving of expenses of economic entities that they do not pay to compensate for the damage caused or do not invest in its reduction and prevention, that is, by the amount of environmental damage caused by sea-going ships and port activities. The rent of the assimilation potential for the largest ports of Russia, the European Union (EU) and China was calculated based on the monetized metrics of environmental damage applied in the EU countries and the indicator of pollutant emissions per 1 million tons of cargo transshipments carried out in ports as well as the costs of cleaning polluted water discharged by ships. The latter value is calculated only for the ports of Russia.