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Geography and Natural Resources

2019 year, number 5S


a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:666:"1Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 670047, ul. Sakhyanovoi, 8, Ulan-Ude, Russia
2V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 664033, Irkutsk, ul. Ulan-Batorskaya, 1, Russia
3Irkutsk State University, 664011, Irkutsk, ul. Sukhe-Batora, 5, Russia
4V.R. Filippov Buryat State Academy of Agriculture, 670034, Ulan-Ude, ul. Pushkina, 8, Russia
5Federal Forestry Agency FSBI «Roslesinforg», Buryat Branch, 670046, Ulan-Ude, ul. Klyuchevskaya, 41, Russia";}
Keywords: постагрогенные степные ландшафты, Бурятия Республика, потенциал, развитие сельского хо зяйства, функционирование экосистем, социально-экономические и экологические последствия, рентная оценка сельскохозяйственных угодий, аgriculture, land use, vegetation, pasture lands, Republic of Buryatia


We analyzed the main features, directions and factors of the agricultural land use system. Special attention is given to the most valuable resource - cropland. Its overgrowing with trees and shrubs is defined. Using the example of abandoned cropland within the forest zone of the republic, we revealed that the areas adjacent to the forest are potential pine forests with dry and herb-grass types of forests in future. Their use as cropland is possible with mandatory irrigation. The use as natural forage land is impractical due to the widespread dominance of unproductive plant species inedible for agricultural animals Potentilla, Heteropap pus, Artemísia in the grassy vegetation cover. The state of forest shelter belts at key research sites was assessed using the method of taxation and eye-measuring. One of the problems of rational land use of the republic is the presence of large abandoned land. Their return to agricultural circulation and agricultural rehabilitation requires significant costs. To assess the economic feasibility of introducing abandoned arable and natural fodder lands into agricultural production and calculating potential profits, a rent assessment was carried out, and the value of net operating income was calculated. In our methodology, the calculation of the value of costs is based on the use of the actual costs of agricultural enterprises, taking into account the adjustability of prices for crops and reflects the current socio-economic situation in the regions of the Republic of Buryatia. The calculations show that the cultivation of wheat, oats and barley is profitable for most agricultural enterprises in the republic with a minimum rate of return of 5 %. In the areas where the cultivation of oats or barley does not generate income, the costs pay off when growing the leading crop - wheat. According to the indicators of rental income from arable and pasture lands, the total income was calculated.