The development of the adaptive optics systems for the ground-based solar telescopes
A.Yu. Shikhovtsev1, V.P. Lukin2, P.G. Kovadlo1
1Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Irkutsk, Russia 2V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: atmospheric turbulence, wavefront, LST-3, solar images, MCAO
The paper describes the multi-conjugate adaptive optics systems and identifies the features of optical conjugations of adaptive mirrors with turbulent layers for ground-based solar telescopes. The optimal size of the field of view for a solar telescope operating under average atmospheric conditions has been calculated. The size of the optimal field of view is equal 10 arc. sec. Recommendations are given for the development of MCAO systems for ground-based solar telescopes. The concept of a system for determination of 3D wavefront distortions for the Large Solar Telescope LST-3, as well as for the wavefront registration in the Large Solar Vacuum Telescope, is proposed.