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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2021 year, number 5

Measurements of wind speed and direction with an aerosol UV lidar

P.A. Filimonov, S.E. Ivanov, V.A. Gorodnichev, M.L. Belov, Yu.V. Fedotov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: lidar, aerosol inhomogeneities, ultraviolet spectral region, wind velocity measurement, digital signal processing


We show a possibility of measuring wind speed with a lidar and a sampling method developed. An experimental setup operating at an eye-safe 0.355 mm wavelength is described; corresponding measurement data are presented. The dependence of the measurement quality on optical properties of the atmosphere is analyzed. The mean absolute errors are 1.05 m/s for the wind speed and 13.3° for the wind direction calculated with accumulated measurements for spring-autumn is.