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Region: Economics and Sociology

2020 year, number 4

Spatial Mobility of Population Inside and Outside the Region: Social and Infrastructural Factors of Inequality

T.Yu. Cherkashina1, N.L. Mosienko2
1Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk National Research State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: spatial mobility, transport infrastructure, social inequality, digital inequality


The article presents the results of a 2018-2019 study on residents’ spatial mobility in Novosibirsk Oblast. It focuses on regular daily trips (in a weekly cycle) and occasional trips outside the region. We reveal how the population’s spatial mobility differs within the region and the extent to which it arises from infrastructure, social and technological (use of digital technologies to organize and plan trips) factors. We also consider how a new aspect of social inequality - digital inequality manifests itself in the differentiation of spatial mobility and inequality in mobility opportunities. For the analysis, Novosibirsk Oblast’s territory was conditionally divided into eight areas: the city of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk agglomeration periphery, the Southeast area, the Northeast area, the Central area, the Barabinsk-Kuibyshev agglomeration, the Northwest area, and the Southwest area. Here are revealed the differences in spatial mobility between the areas by the following parameters: frequency, directions, targets, and types of transport used. We also describe the differences in perception of regular daily trips depending on the vehicles people use; age and settlement patterns of Novosibirsk Oblast residents with dissimilar spatial mobility experiences.