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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2020 year, number 5

Influence of the systematic position at the family level on steppe plant leaf traits

P. K. Yudina1,2, L. A. Ivanov1,2, D. A. Ronzhina1,2, O. A. Anenkhonov3, L. A. Ivanova1,2
1Institute Botanic Garden, Ural Branch of RAS, Tyumen, Russia
2Tyumen State University
3Institute of General and Experimental Biology of SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Keywords: экология таксонов, аридность климата, структура листа, мезофилл, размеры клетки, хлорофиллы, ecology of taxa, climate aridity, leaf structure, mesophyll, cell size, chlorophylls


The significance of the systematic position for the traits of the leaf, mesophyll, chloroplasts, and pigment complex in steppe plants of the three main families Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Rosaceae from different geographical regions of Russia and Mongolia was examined. The species belonging to a particular family affects, first of all, the parameters of the whole leaf - the thickness and density of the leaf, as well as the size and number of mesophyll cells. In contrast, mesophyll parameters as well as pigment content independent of the taxon and both reflected the convergent response of plants from different taxa to climate.