Halophytic vegetation on the west Caspian lowland
I. A. Goryaev, A. P. Korablev
Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Прикаспийская низменность, степная зона, пустынная зона, галофитная растительность, солонцы, солончаки, общая сумма солей, формации, Caspian lowland, steppe zone, desert zone, halophytic vegetation, solonetzs, solonchaks, total amount of salts, formations
Halophytic vegetation is typical for the west of the Caspian lowland. It is confined to solonetzs and solonchaks, occupying a fairly large area in the region. The phytocenotic diversity of halophytic vegetation depends on environmental factors such as the total amount of salts in the soils, as well as on soil moisture. According to literature sources and our research, halophyte communities in the region belong to 21 formations, of which 9 are widely distributed (Artemisieta pauciflorae, Artemisieta santonicae, Camphorosmeta monspeliacae, Leymeta ramosi, Halocnemeta strobilacei, Salsoleta dendroidis, Salicornieta perennantis, Suaedeta salsae, Petrosimonieta oppositifoliae). Communities of 12 formations are rare (Anabaseta salsae, Halimioneta verruciferae, Kochieta prostratae, Limonieta suffruticosi, Salsoleta laricinae, Frankenieta hirsutae, Petrosimonieta triandrae, Petrosimonieta brachiatae, Climacoptereta crassae, Spirobassieta hirsutae, Salsoleta sodae, Puccinellieta distantis). Some of these formations are located on the western or north-western border of their areas. In the steppe zone is dominated solonetzs. Communities are associated with them euhalophytes dwarf semishrubs Artemisia pauciflora , Artemisia santonica , Camphorosma monspeliaca and rhizome cereals Leymus ramosus are common on solonetzs. Solonchaks are not so common, they are marked with communities: Salicornia perennans , Spirobassia hirsuta , Suaeda salsa , Petrosimonia oppositifolia . In the desert zone, solonetzs occupy small areas only in the north. Dominated by solonchaks, which are confined community hyperhalophytes dwarf semishrubs ( Halocnemum strobilaceum , Salsola dendroides ); and annuals saltwarts ( Salicornia perennans , Suaeda salsa , Petrosimonia oppositifolia ). Halophytes communities are characteristic of fallows and pastures on light chestnut saline soils, along irrigation channels, pipelines, and around artesian wells.