The analysis of OCO-2 satellite measurements of CO2 in the vicinity of Russian cities
A.A. Nikitenko, Yu.M. Timofeev, I.A. Berezin, Ya.A. Virolainen, A.V. Polyakov
Saint-Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: пространственно-временные вариации содержания СО, спутник ОСО-2, вариации ХСО, ансамбль данных индекса качества «0», ансамбль данных индекса качества «1», spatial-temporal variability of carbon dioxide, OCO-2 satellite, XCO variations, XCO data with a quality flag “0”, XCO data with a quality flag “1”
CO2 spatial and temporal variability in five Russian regions has been analyzed on the basis of OCO-2 satellite measurements (more than 300 days during 4.5 years, more than 50 000 measurements). The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) allows measurements of CO2 content with a high accuracy (0.25-0.5%) (for data with a quality flag “0”), a high horizontal resolution (1.29´ 2.25 км2), and a spatial coverage along paths of ~ 10 km. That makes it possible to analyze the spatial and temporal variations in CO2 column-averaged dry-air mole fractions (XCO2). XCO2 OCO-2 data with quality flag “1” has lower measurement accuracy, but the number of such measurements is 5-10 times greater than that with quality flag “0”. XCO2 satellite measurements with quality flag “0” in the vicinity of Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Magnitogorsk, and Norilsk (circles with a radius of 100 km from the city centers) have been analyzed. Comparisons of the meaurements in different cities and regions show that XCO2 datasets with a quality flag “0” are homogeneous, the amplitude of XCO2 variations amounts to 5-6%, root mean square variations are less than 1%. The maximum values of XCO2 spatial variations totals 2-4%, which differs significantly from the results of the analysis of OCO-2 XCO2 data with quality flag “1”.