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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 2


O. V. Selezneva
Khrulev Military Academy of Logistics, Omsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: экологическое образование, военное образование, военная экология, методика обучения экологии, обучение российских курсантов, обучение иностранных военнослужащих, environmental education, military education, military ecology, methods of teaching ecology


The ability to see the list of necessary actions and the degree of responsibility of the officials behind the generalized formulation of the action plan for ecological safety is formed in the process of training at a military institution. A key role is assigned to the discipline "ecology", in which it is important to teach cadets to plan and implement ecological activities in the practice of military service. The relevance of the work is related to the insufficient implementation of the didactic principle of the connection between the theoretical foundations of military ecology taught at the military institution and practical situations of military service that require the implementation of measures to ensure ecological safety. The purpose of the article is to develop a system of requirements for teaching methods in solving ecological problems aimed at forming the ecological component of military professional competencies of cadets at military institutions. As the methodological basis, the author uses the ideas of the activity approach; the theory of forming the subject skills; the works that reveal the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the application of training tasks in the learning process for the organization of educational and cognitive activities of cadets. The article substantiates the criteria for the effectiveness of solving training tasks of various difficulties in military ecology. The author gives three variants of the formulation of the task for assessing the quality of atmospheric air according to the degree of generality of the formulations of the content, conditions and requirements. Using the questionnaire method, the list of difficulties that arise when solving environmental problems of different degrees of difficulty is clarified and subsequently systematized. Methodological recommendations for overcoming the difficulties are proposed. The effectiveness was evaluated according to the criterion of completeness of mental actions. The article proposes the model of constructing the system of ecological tasks in terms of forming the skills to develop a list of measures on protection and rational use of the elements of the natural environment, taking into account the generated ecological activities and stages of their formation.