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Philosophy of Sciences

2020 year, number 1


Dmitriy Vladimirovich Vinnik
Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 8 Nikolaeva str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: квантовая биология, сознание, психика, квантовая теория сознания, квантовая механика, синергетика, критические состояния, амплификация, нейрофизиология, нейронная сеть, эфапатическая передача, несинаптическая связь, quantum biology, consciousness, psyche, quantum theory of consciousness, quantum mechanics, synergetics, critical states, amplification, neurophysiology, neural network, ephaptic coupling, non-synaptic connection


The article reviews and analyzes theoretical and empirical arguments for the quantum brain hypothesis and against it. Supporters of the idea of amplification of quantum properties to macrostates of the brain (including psychological states and behavior) and the idea of ephaptic coupling, i.e. "field" non-synaptic connection of axons, are among proponents of the theory. Its opponents insist that all quantum events in nerve tissue are being statistically averaged and leveled to the point where quantum fluctuations do not matter at all; thermodynamic conditions of the nerve tissue functioning impede the occurrence of macroscopic quantum effects. Now, sceptics' positions are stronger, but to date there is accumulated a substantial amount of empirical evidence, which is worth thorough considering. If supporters of amplification are true, it must result in an unexpected answer to the question of the human nature and man's place in the world. Seen in that light, all beings which have nervous system appear to be full agents of the primeval chaos world: they are means capable to reinforce random quantum-mechanical events to macro-scale realizing them not only in inner states of their brains, but also outside, i.e. in their behavior.
