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"Philosophy of Education"

2020 year, number 1


L. S. Malik, L. A. Melkaya
Northern Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Keywords: философия профессионализма в социальной работе, менеджерализация, образование по социальной работе, профилизация, специализация, philosophy of professionalism in social work, manageralisation, social work education, profilisation, specialization


Introduction. The relevance of the study is connected with updating the key methodology of social work, pluralism of theories and concepts, expanding the fields of social practice, which is associated with the need to increase the subjectivity of specialists and strengthen the status of a professional group. In vocational training, the new trend is manageralisation - the inclusion of managerial ideas at all levels of education, which, according to these changes, can serve as a resource for the formation of a philosophy of professionalism in social work. Methodology and methods of the research. The study was based on the materials of scientific works devoted to the analysis of the category of professionalism in social work and publications describing managerial concepts, the ideas of which laid the foundation for the trend of managerialization in the vocational training system. The analysis of theoretical material is supplemented by empirical data obtained during a survey of practicing social work specialists according to the method of V. V. Sinyavsky and V. A. Fedoroshin «Communicative and organizational inclinations». The results of the research. The scientific analysis of the concepts underlying the formation of the philosophy of professionalism with the ideas of manageralisation is carried out. The main dependencies of the influence of managerial concepts on the philosophy of professionalism in the development of the worldview of specialists who are ready to act in a new social reality are revealed. The essence of two directions of development of education in social work is described - specialization and profilisation. Profiling is associated with new trends in the vocational training system, among which managerialization occupies a special place, considered as a mechanism for combining global goals with real options for achieving them. The content of the transformation processes of the professional role-playing repertoire of social work specialists in the context of manageralisation is indicated, which indicates the expansion of the practitioners ‘functionality in promoting social development and the formation of clients’ abilities to independently solve a difficult life situation. The results of an empirical study reflecting the importance of the managerial component in the learning process are presented, which leads to the conclusion about the need for first-priority changes in the system of training social work specialists. Conclusion. The resourcability of management is argued in relation to the formation of a philosophy of professionalism in social work, taking into account three criteria blocks of professionalism - substantial, normative, and potential. The conclusion is drawn on the importance of applying managerial ideas in the system of formation of the professional worldview of specialists, which will positively affect the strengthening of subjectivity of specialists and raising the status of a professional group.