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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 1


B. V. Fedotov
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: новая идеология, здоровье населения, спорт достижений, массовый спорт, всероссийский физкультурно-спортивный комплекс В«Готов к труду и оборонеВ», new ideology, public health, sports achievements, mass sports, all-Russian sports complex В«Ready for work and defenseВ»


In this publication, the author raises one of the burning problems of the social development of modern Russia. Considering social development through the prism of contradictions as a factor in overcoming various barriers, the article for a good reason raises the question of the lack of a unifying idea in the country, which can set in motion a civil society. Physical culture and sport can, under certain conditions, become not only an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, but also a condition for the implementation of urgent tasks formulated by the authorities in the form of national projects. After all, the physical health of the country's population is a priority for the activities of both state structures and public institutions, since it is the human resource in all senses that can ensure the country's breakthrough in key areas of its development. The article clearly identifies two vectors in the development of physical culture and sports. On the one hand, it is a sport of achievements, i.e. professional, and, on the other, it is grassroots sport. It is shown that there is a close affinity between them. Information about the complex «Ready for labor and defense» (TRP) served as the main material for the publication. The presented statistics of this movement in Russia is based on the in-depth analysis of a large number of state documents and own research materials in institutions of higher professional education