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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 1


V. V. Sobolnikov
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: цифровизация, социализация, означивание, виртуальная личность, образ мира, смысл, ценностные ориентации, дополненная реальность, digitalization, socialization, signification, virtual personality, image of the world, meaning, value orientations, augmented reality


The article discusses the impact of digitalization on individual and mass consciousness. The designation of the degree of high technologies influence on a person, the image analysis of the world and sense in the context of the probabilistic development of the virtual personality of the “carriers” of digitalization becomes the goal of the study. The virtualistic provisions summarized in virtual psychology were the methodological prerequisites. The paradigmatic approach is used, where virtual realities are recognized in the form of various existential forms that determine the existence of many augmented realities. The methods of research include: dialectic, discourse analysis and methods of virtual psychology. It has been established that modern IT technologies forming the psychological mechanism of “generating new information” create opportunities for the development of a virtual personality, the purposefulness of its behavior, providing a transfer to a new phase of development. The problem areas of destructive immersion in virtual space are identified. Abusing their stay in it, an addict can lose value orientations, learn the norms of delinquent behavior and criminal subculture. It is concluded that it is necessary to continue studying the specifics of socialization in the Internet environment, and the prospects for the development of a virtual personality. The search for ways is associated with overcoming the psychological barriers that arise in the virtual space. Obviously, there is a need to develop a system of psycho-self-regulation of mental activity, elaboration of meanings, internal attitudes, determining the specifics of behavior and predicting the actions of society. Therefore, the task of forming a virtual personality through augmented reality is actualized among the most significant problems of modern psychology.