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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 1


E. B. Artemyeva, G. M. Vikhreva, O. P. Fedotova
State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: наука, профессиональное образование, высшие учебные заведения, научно-образовательный комплекс, научная библиотека, регион, информационно-библиотечное пространство, Новосибирск, Государственная публичная научно-техническая библиотека Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук, кадры, аспирантура, переподготовка, повышение квалификации, science, professional training, higher educational establishments, scientific-educational complex, scientific library, region, information and library space, Novosibirsk, State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, stuff, post-graduate studentship, re-training, improvement of professional skill


The regional system of professional education has rightly one of the prior places in the structure of its basic socio-economic processes, responding to the outward environment influence (socio-cultural, economic, legislative and other changes), and, in its turn, having retaliatory impact on it. In the structure of the scientific-educational complex of Siberia Novosibirsk plays the leading role. Here function higher educational establishments, which execute specialists’ training, retraining and qualification upgrading, as well as scientific-research institutions of the Novosibirsk scientific center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian academy of sciences and institutions of other departments. All higher educational establishments of the city and a greater part of scientific-research institutions have libraries in their structure. Since the vital problem of today is forming the united system of providing regional educational and scientific institutions with information resources necessary for successful scientific-educational activities, the subject of this article authors’ research interests is the “proper” and real place of the library socio-cultural institutions in this structure. State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL SB RAS) is the largest library of the regional scientific-educational complex. Providing the users’ access to information resources is the main direction of the Library activity. At the same time, having the license for educational activity, SPSTL SB RAS is itself the subject of the educational space: it organizes courses of librarians’ retraining and qualification upgrading, cooperates with higher educational establishments of the type in training students. Being the scientific-research institution SPSTL SB RAS has its post-graduate studentship on training scientific specialists of the highest qualification in the research areas “Library, bibliography and book science”. The dialectic approach, permitting to view library-information and educational spheres of the large scientific library activity in their unity and interconditionality, was the common methodological basis for the research undertaken. The article substantiates the role and place of SPSTL SB RAS in forming the modern regional system of professional education, outlines perspectives for creating the reciprocity model of libraries for the scientific-education complex as a whole and integration and diversification of information supply for the sphere and discipline discourse.