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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 1


I. A. Gavrilova
Russian State University of Justice, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: профессиональный иностранный язык, смешанное обучение, активное обучение, интерактивные виды деятельности, самостоятельная работа обучающихся, цифровая грамотность, интеллект-карты, облако слов, professional foreign language, blended learning, active learning, interactive activities, self-study activity of students, digital literacy, mind maps, word cloud


The article summarizes the results of the natural pedagogical experiment on implementing and evaluating the “flipped classroom” technology in teaching a professional foreign language to Master of Laws degree candidates. Such concepts as electronic and active learning, synchronous and asynchronous technologies, self-study activity of students, productive speech activity are presented in the article as important components of the “flipped classroom”. Аn example of a set of exercises and didactic tools for independent work of postgraduates-lawyers in a foreign language in the context of “flipped learning” is given. The final results are used as performance indicators. The questionnaires and tests conducted during the experiment showed the effectiveness of the “flipped classroom” approach (the quality and variety of active and interactive assignments, speech activity of students in the classroom, their mastery of competencies, internal motivation of students and the teacher, their satisfaction with the educational process). The author points out the advantages of the “flipped classroom” technology revealed in the course of the experiment ( significant proportion of students’ self-study work supervised by a lecturer; independent completion of tasks of the levels “knowledge” and “understanding” by students at home and collective working out of tasks of the levels “application”, “analysis”, “synthesis” and “assessment” in the classroom; effective self-control and self-assessment of learning outcomes; learning variability; use of the potential of personalized, collaborative and web-based learning; formation of the sense of success and progress in students; efficiency and ergonomics of the educational process in the classroom). The recommended set of assignments for organizing the “flipped classroom” for postgraduates-lawyers can form the basis for further methodical research and be used in teaching a foreign language to students of other master’s degree programmes.