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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 1


S.V. Maximov
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: новейшие информационные технологии, образовательная среда, цифровизация, образовательное пространство, информационное общество, the latest information technologies, educational environment, digitalization, educational space, information society


The article reveals the main areas of development of the education system under the domination of the latest information technologies. The author explores the main trends of the new gnoseological strategy through the example of the coverage of military subjects in textbooks. Digital technologies allow us to influence the worldview of the younger generation more quickly. Ultimately, modern information technologies create virtual space where the objective reality is lost. This is also the aim of electronic games, which quite often show the Russian army and its heroic representatives unsightly. The article shows that the heroic pages of the military past and present are under the strongest pressure of modern information technologies. Traditional values are leveled when the defender of the Fatherland has always occupied a particularly honorable place in the educational literature. Our compatriots’ heroic feats during the world wars, as well as the military commanders’ contribution to the liberation of our country, as well as many nations of the world, are being questioned. The role of designers in the creation of the best weapons is belittled. In the process of information warfare, where Russia's opponents often have technological advantages, foreign media are trying to equate nazi criminals with domestic military commanders. The author shows that the processes of digitalization create the basis for the formation of a single educational space, which is not tasked to form an objective picture of the historical past and present. The main areas of educational development, caused by the emergence of new forms of communication among students, are revealed. The author proves that the expansion of the educational environment through the emergence of new techniques is due to the possibility of digitalizing a large part of the teaching material. The article shows the problematic consequences of digitization of education, when authenticity is sacrificed to speed. The author examines specific examples of opposition to modern digital technologies, which are designed to preserve historical memory and intergenerational connections.