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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 1


M. P. Yatsenko, S.V. Maximov
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: цифровое пространство, информационная среда, гуманитарное образование, оптимизация учебного процесса, новейшие информационные технологии, digital space, information environment, humanitarian education, optimizing the learning process, the latest information technologies


The article reveals the peculiarities of the use of new information technologies in teaching humanitarian subjects. The author shows not only the positive, but also the negative consequences of global digitalization in the domestic education system. The dominance of information technology in humanitarian cognition creates new problematic situations. In particular, traditional communications, characteristic of the domestic educational system, are being transformed. The author draws attention to such an important feature of Russian education as the inseparability of the educational process and the upbringing. The implementation of such trends has traditionally been entrusted to the humanitarian training unit. History has always been the basis for the formation of the sociocultural worldview. Despite the fact that the introduction of digital technologies in the humanitarian sphere has allowed to expand the visual learning space, there are more and more cases of falsification of Russia's historical past. The author shows that the reliability of information is often sacrificed to efficiency. Military-historical computer games often distort the true picture of history, which is much more complex and requires deep reflection. Unfortunately, students get used to visual aids, but they unlearn to analyze educational material because they rely on Internet resources. Excessive use of modern information technologies in the educational process significantly transforms subject-object relations. This is due to a significant change in the functions of the teacher, who is no longer perceived as the bearer of truth. The article shows how to optimize the learning process with new information technologies in mind. The author argues that humanitarian education can benefit if the digitalization of the educational process has limits conditioned by the author's methods.