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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 1


V. I. Panarin1, O. E. Puchkov2
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: образовательная среда, цифровизация, образовательное пространство, глобальное образование, информационное общество, новейшие информационные технологии, educational environment, digitalization, educational space, global education, information society, the latest information technologies


The article is devoted to the study of the radical changes that occur in education under the influence of digital technologies. The solution to this problem is possible only on the basis of various research areas, because educational policy in the global world involves a special form of management. The authors show that the dominance of the latest information technologies in the modern information society violates the established management system in modern education. The article reveals the potential dangers that could threaten the educational system if the benefits of information technology are used uncontrollably. Their benefits, such as speed, mobility and distance, can play a negative role if the traditions and historical experience of the society are ignored. The universal digitalization of basic educational processes creates the basis for the formation of a single educational space. The authors reveal the basic principles of national education management in the global educational environment. In addition, the main areas of educational policy in the market economy, as well as the emergence of new forms of communication among students are shown. The authors emphasize the fact that the dominance of information technologies in the educational sphere implies not only a better management system, but also new leaders. The transformation of traditional management structures in the domestic education system involves the development of a concept that would include not only the advantages of global education, but also the traditional pedagogy of this society.