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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 1


D. V. Lvov
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: архетип корпоративности, архетип иерархии, Самость, университет, онлайн-образование, archetype of corporativity, archetype of hierarchy, Self, university, online education


The article considers the mutual influence of the archetypes of Self, corporativity, and hierarchy on the educational process in the online environment.The increase of hierarchical trends in the social institution of education as a result of the emergence of national states and the reforms launched by them, is noted on the example of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The influence of abstractive impersonality, inherent for a hierarchy, on the manifestations of corporativity is analyzed. Indications are given on the influence of the corporativity, hierarchy, and Self archetypes on the process of emergence of collective identity, in close connection with differentiation and specialization within the group. The role of archetypes in the implementation of the reproduction function imposed by society on educational institutions is noted. The article expresses the idea of the Self archetype’s role in removing contradictions between the archetypes of corporativity and hierarchy. It also lists the problems caused by strengthening the hierarchy archetype in education. The author analyzes the distinctive features of the online form of education in comparison with the usual offline format in the development of the hierarchical, corporate and individual phenomena. The multidirectional possibilities of the electronic format are shown, which can be used both to reinforce and to weaken the tendencies of the archetypes of Self, corporativity, and hierarchy. It is pointed out that there is a contradiction between the innovative form of e-education and the conservatism of the collective unconscious. It is also noted that unconscious schemes of archetypes can be supplemented at the conscious level of culture by filling them with variable symbols and images. Some examples of educational projects on the Internet are given. It is concluded that the rebalancing of the influence of archetypes in favor of Self and corporativity is revealed primarily in online projects that are not controlled by traditional hierarchical organizationsl.