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Professional Education in the Modern World

2020 year, number 1


N. L. Mikidenko, S. P. Storozheva
Siberian state university of telecommunications and information, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: цифровое образование, электронная образовательная среда, информационные образовательные сервисы, информационные образовательные ресурсы, digital education, electronic educational environment, information educational services, information educational resources


Information educational resources in the conditions of formation and development of digital educational space become an integral element of educational technologies and provide the increase of education availability and quality, overcoming the inequality of access to quality education, represent interests of various educational subjects, and also offer the opportunity to choose an educational trajectory. In this situation, the problems and practices of information resources, their thematic content, placement and design become a significant issue. The methodological basis of the research is the concept of digital society, developed by modern sociology, in which the changes occurring in society are explained by the influence of digital technologies on social space and the level of inclusion of people in digitalization, the qualitative characteristic of which is the connection of knowledge and people. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems and practices of the use of information educational resources, based on the identification of factors affecting the digitalization of the educational process in an educational institution. The main hypothesis was that the digital index of a student (namely, the possibility of access to the Internet, the practice of using the Internet, the level of human capital development) determines the use of information educational resources and readiness to use them and build educational trajectories of lifelong education on their basis. Students' positions on the choice of educational resources, ideas about the structure of resources, evaluation and satisfaction with the resources they use in educational practices were revealed on the basis of the questionnaire survey of students conducted by the authors. The methods of description, comparison, classification and data interpretation were used in the interpretation of the results. Results: the study reveals the range of problems caused by the educational environment and the digital index of the consumer of educational services/student, as well as practice of application of information educational resources. The practical significance of the results is that the study of factors that identify the digital index of the student, allows you to determine the directions and forms of influence on the readiness of the student to choose the strategy of education through life on the basis of digital technologies.