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Fundamental and applied issues of mining

2019 year, number 1


G. A. Kazunina, A. V. Cherednichenko
Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: Клеточный автомат, разрушение, горные породы, импульсная эмиссия, Cellular automaton, failure, rocks, pulsed emission


A three-dimensional model of a probabilistic cellular automaton, which was previously constructed on the basis of the kinetic theory of strength, is studied in this paper. It describes the process of rock damage accumulation and formation of a damage cluster structure. Comparing the kinetic curves of damage accumulation and correlation functions by means of model experiments, it was found that, depending on the probability of germination of the damage cluster perimeter, which simulates the intensity of material failure under the action of local overstresses near the existing damage clusters, two qualitatively different modes of damage accumulation are observed for a three-dimensional model. For the probabilities of germination of the cluster perimeter exceeding the value of 0.2, the process of transition to irreversible failure is significantly accelerated and becomes strongly correlated. Along with this, the best correspondence of correlation functions in model and physical experiments is observed for perimeter germination probability values smaller than 0.2.

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