Diagnosis of insulin resistance in patients at high cardiovascular risk: focus on peptide hormone ghrelin
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:159:"E.V. Belik1, O.V. Gruzdeva1,2, Yu.A. Dyleva1, T.R. Dolinchik3, A.A. Kuz’mina1, E.E. Bychkova2";}
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:354:"1Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Disease, 650002, Kemerovo, Sosnovy blvd., 6 2Kemerovo State Medical Academy of Minzdrav of Russia, 650029, Kemerovo, Voroshilov str., 22А 3Kemerovo Regional Clinical Cardiology Clinic named after Academician L.S. Barbarash, 650002, Kemerovo, Sosnovy blvd., 6";}
Keywords: инфаркт миокарда, инсулинрезистентность, грелин, свободные жирные кислоты, myocardial infarction, insulin resistance, ghrelin, free fatty acids
The aim of the research: to determine the diagnostic value of ghrelin in patients with myocardial infarction. Material and methods. 200 patients (130 men and 70 women) were examined whose average age was 61.4 ± 1.12 years with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI) with an ST segment elevation. On the 1st and 12th day of the development of MI in the blood serum, the content of glucose, insulin, C-peptide, free fatty acids and ghrelin was determined. Results. Insulin resistance (IR) is a fairly common and characteristic phenomenon for patients with high cardiovascular risk. The presence of insulin resistance in people with MI was associated with more pronounced disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism compared with patients in whom MI was without signs of IR. Ghrelin levels were significantly reduced in patients with MI during the entire period of hospitalization. It was established that ghrelin was the most sensitive and specific marker of IR, especially in the early stages of MI. The determination of ghrelin in combination with free fatty acids increases their diagnostic significance in relation to IR. Conclusion: ghrelin deficiency is one of the significant factors for the presence of IR in myocardial infarction. The results of the study indicate the potential suitability of ghrelin as a new diagnostic marker of metabolic disorders in cardiovascular diseases.