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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2019 year, number 11

Study on variations in water vapor and cloud liquid using microwave radiometry

D.M. Karavaev, G.G. Shchukin
Alexander Mozhaysky Military Space Academy, St Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: влагозапас атмосферы, водозапас облаков, структурная функция, микроволновый радиометр, water vapor, cloud liquid, microwave radiometer, temporal structure functions


In article the possibilities of modern microwave radiometers to the study of variations of characteristics of atmospheric moisture are discusses. Based on analysis of ground-based, ship and satellite microwave radiometers investigated variations of atmospheric water vapor and cloud liquid in a wide range of time scales in different regions over the ocean and over land, to describe the approximation obtained temporary structural function of water vapor.