Phytoplankton as an indicator ecological state of the neva river estuary, 2011-2015
V. N. Nikulina
Zoological Institute of RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: фитопланктон, видовой состав, биомасса, эвтрофирование, phytoplankton, species composition, biomass, eutrophication
During the period of study it was discovered that the general distribution pattern of species, their structure and the amount of phytoplankton were different from those recorded earlier. The most changes have undergone in the central part of the northern coast of the Neva Bay. During the eutrophication of phytoplankton in summer (late July-early August) in the Neva Bay and in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland different groups of algae may play a prevalent role. In the Neva Bay Chlorophyta predominated in the samples. In the resort zone of the Gulf of Finland, the main share of biomass in 2011-2015 was represented by cyanobacteria.